chapter 2 : surprised

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It was already the evening
dunk and gemini spent the whole day managing the dorm payment as well as taking a look on the university since so many things changed

They made it to the dorm and the first thing they did is searching for their room, they also have been told that they are sharing it with another 2 guys but they didn't care as long as they're together

"Aw come on he was so fine" dunk said clinging to gimini's arm "yeah, yeah he is" finally they are in front of the room

Gemini opened the door and it was nothing like they expected... Yup it was the boys they met earlier

"well... What a coincidence" joong said looking at the boys and fourth came out of the toilet "who are u talking to" he turned his head just to find the two standing still at the door probably more surprised than he is

Dunk didn't waste a second "Hi I'm dunk and this my best friend gemini you can call him gem hope we're gonna be good roommates" dunk said and all his attention is for joong as for gemini he was just smiling awkwardly

"Well nice to meet you guys I'm fourth and this is joong we're best friends too"

Fourth wasn't any different from dunk his attention was all for Gemini too " it's a one time change if you know you know " joong said patting on fourth's shoulder and none of gemini or dunk understand what he meant

"Let me help with ur bags " fourth said quickly attacking gemini's 3 bags and lifting the three of them at once and taking them to their room

"Wow, he's strong" Gemini said empressed by how strong the boy is cause he seem pretty fit under the shirt but probably hiding some built under it

Joong did the same thing he helped dunk with his bags and they all went to the room

after that all they did was unpacking their stuff, decorating the dorm to look more Lively and more

It was around 2 am and it's finally time to choose the beds " I think I'mma go with the bottom one" gemeni said throwing himself on the bed "great I'mma take the bottom one too since fourth wanted to take the upp--"

before joong could finish his sentence fourth shut his mouth with his hand "actually I wanna take the bottom bed too " he said smiling widely and letting go of joong who almost died

"Great then me and phi joong are gonna take the upper bed "

Gemini got up and stated searching for his pillow but seems like he forgot it home "ohh man how can I forget such an important thing " he said crutching his head because there is no way he's gonna be able to sleep without it

"U can take mine" fourth said giving his only pillow to gemini " but u only have one with u " gemini said pushing the pillow back to fourth

"It's okey I can sleep without it" he said putting the pillow between gemini's arms with a soft smile on his face

Gemini was really flattered by fourth that was so sweet of him and he does appreciate it but ain't no way he's gonna let him sleep with no pillow actually he's gonna feel guilty

"Let's share the same bed then" gemini said looking straight to fourth eye joong's eyes widen, dunk is not believing what he just heard neither fourth who almost has a heart attack hearing those word out of his crush's mouth...

Huhuhuhu I'm more excited for the next chapter lol anyway hope you enjoyed reading (・ิω・ิ)ノ
alright thank u

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