chapter 9 : jealous

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It was the next day and fourth woke up so damn early this morning since he heard that the hotel had a free gym place

As for Gemini he woke up all grumpy bcz he wasn't a morning person at all so he went and took a fresh shower to wake him up

It was 10 am so dunk texted fourth and Gemini to met down the hotel to have breakfast there

Gemini got ready as he wore a large blue jeans and a white t-shirt , he wasn't in a mood to be creative and suddenly he heard the door slaming behind him , it was fourth

He was wearing a tight shirt and shorts, sweat covering his whole body so Gemini knew that he went to the gym or something like that

"You read the message" Gemini asked

"Yeah I did, u can leave first I have to shower and change" he said picking up his towel looking at the boy standing in front of him looking all types of cute with his messy hair and a little pout forming on his lips so he immediately knew that gemini wasn't a morning person

"Cute" he mumbled to him self with a smile playing on his face

"Why's he smiling for" Gemini thought to himself "okey , than I'm leaving " he said getting out of the room

He got down stairs as he found dunk sitting alone at one of the tables playing on his phone so he immediately jumped on his friend

"What are u doing here all alone" he said hugging his friend so the other returned the hug "p'joong is still changing" dunk answered

Gemini pulled off the hug and looked at his friend with a smirk "why are u looking at me like this" dunk asked knowing damn well why the boy is acting like this

"So how was the night with p'joong hmm" he said excitedly waiting for dunk's response

"Well we slept at the same bed and we end up hugging each other and we also played video games" he said giggling

Gemini was happy for him and all but he was afraid that joong will end up being like all the other boys that played with dunk's feelings and Brook his heart

After that they gathered all together and had breakfast and they spent the rest of the day playing in the pool


They came back to the dorm very late at night and they were not just tired they were exhausted and the fact that all of them had morning classes for the next day made them more annoyed

It was the next day and fourth's classes were over so he decided to go and see Gemini

The architecture and the medicine buildings were kinda far away so it took fourth almost 20 min to get there

He set one foot in the class just to see a boy he never saw before talking and flirting with Gemini (at least what fourth thought) they were talking and laughing loudly and it seems that Gemini was comfortable with him, HE THE BOY GEMINI MENTIONED AT THE HOTEL!

"what's up Gemini" fourth said circling his hand around the strange boy's neck as he looked at him "and who are u I never saw u around here" he said squising the boy's neck with a big smile on his face

"Ughh can.. Ggh" the boy couldn't form a world bcz of how hard fourth was holding his neck so Gemini noticed and took fourth away from the poor boy

"Fourth what are u doing u almost killed the boy" Gemini said checking on the other

"Don't worry I'm okey he's just too strong" and Gemini couldn't disagree , fourth was indeed very strong

"Let me introduce myself first I'm tiw gemini's childhood friend" he said with a big smile on his face and fourth didn't care less about what he was saying he just wanted him to leave

"Uhm...yeah nice to meet u tiw" fourth said with an obvious fake smile shaking his hand

"Well I need to leave now " tiw said leaving the room so it was just fourth and gemini left In the class now

" what are u doing here" gemini said sitting down the chair facing fourth

"So this is the boyfriend u were talking about in the hotel"

Well this was a long chapter hehe anyways hope u enjoyed reading (・ิω・ิ)ノ

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