chapter 8 : warm

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"I didn't say anything about crushing" he said before reaching for his clothes "do you have a crush on me" fourth asked as he started changing his clothes

"Ohh please " gemini said looking away as he saw fourth taking the towel away "I just wanna let u know that I have a boyfriend" he lied

"A boyfriend?" fourth said letting out a mocking laught

"Are u laughing at me" gemini said standing up to the boy after he finished changing , it was obvious that he was a bit angry

" I bet u never been to a relationship before" fourth said in way Gemini found strange...he sound jealous?

"And I bet u don't know anything about me" their was no response from the other

"So who is he , do I even know him? " fourth asked crossing his arm  , it meant that he was annoyed

"Have u ever heard of something named minding ur own business" he said with a smirk playing on his mouth throwing himself back to the bed

He liked seeing fourth looking all annoyed and curious like this "tsk whatever" he said laying down next to him in the bed

That was the end of the conversation all they did after that was eating snacks and watching a movie until very late at night

finally it was time to sleep, so they turned the lights off  , but to gemini's surprise fourth has turned to the other side and didn't hug him as he promised

"So" Gemini asked and fourth didn't respond waiting for him to continue "will you hug me or not" he asked and fourth let out a sigh as he was thinking
"No" he said as a smile came across his mouth.
"I hate u " Gemini groaned as he turned to the other side and fourth let out a chuckle  , he really liked annoying him

A few seconds after gemini felt a warm hand on his shoulder" turn over" he said
"Turn over and face me" and that's exactly what Gemini did he turned around and suddenly fourth's chest was warm and firm against his face he can feel his heart beats

"Is this okey" fourth whispered just behind his ear and Gemini managed to finally speak"yes"

"Great" as he carefully slide his hand around gemini's waist and suttles fully against him ,  closing his arms thigher and nudging one knee between gemini's just to get them more closer to each other

"good night " fourth said against the boy's ear causing him to shiver

"G... Good night" he swallowed

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