chapter 11 : surprising

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Gemini wants to throw himself off a building right now bcz of fourth's words and he wouldn't deny that he missed him more than ever

"I... I missed you" gemini let out these words and fourth was about to risk it all but managed to hold himself back

"If you missed me than can I get a hug" fourth said getting closer trying to hug him " get off me I'm trying to work "as gemini weakly attempted to push him away , He didn’t really want the boy to move actually he would like it if he gave him a kiss right now

They ended up hugging each other for a few minutes and both can feel the warmth and the connection between their body's and they were surprised that they made it that long without seeing each other ,they wish this moment could never end , They pulled away and both smiled at each other shyly with a flush

And now they had to do what has to be done and what both came here for , studying

It was 9 am and fourth got a message from one of his friends to meet at the cafeteria " gem I need to leave , some of my friends wants to see me, see ya later " he said patting gemini's head before taking his leave

A few minutes later gemini finished his work too and decided to go back to the dorm and get some rest

He stepped in and dunk jumped on him
"Gemini I've got something for u " he said pulling out a movie tickets for two persons

"I'm tired leave me alone " gemini said throwing himself on his bed

" I bought those tickets but they're not for us " he said leaning on the closest and the other looked at him" well I kinda stalked fourth's schedule and yours as well and bought those movie tickets for both of you" dunk said proudly of his smart idea

"What do you mean" gemini said standing up to understand what's going on

"I mean u are going to give these tickets to fourth and invite him to join you" he said handing the tickets to the boy

"When is the movie than" as he looked down the tickets "oh today after lunch" he said with a smile, "dunk" gemini suddenly screamed "but how am I supposed to tell him you know how shy I am"

"Do you know where he is " dunk asked and the other quickly answered "yeah I think he's at the cafeteria with some friends"

As gemini felt a hand dragging him out of the room " what are u doing " he asked as he was being pulled by his friend " I'm helping you"  dunk said as he continued to pull him

They made it to the cafeteria and gemini was freaking out "are u sure this will work" he cried and the other tried to calm him down

"Just think about how good it will be watching a movie with fourth and maybe he could make a move since it will be just the two of you" he said following it with a wink

"And of course I'm not pushing you to do this , if you dont wanna do it I completely understand " he said with a soft smile

"Let's do this"

They started searching for the boy in the huge cafeteria and gemini's legs got weaker as he saw fourth in front of him but suddenly both stopped as they saw a girl sitting next to fourth

"Who the hell is that girl" dunk asked as he saw the two laughing and talking and it was so obvious that the girl was flirting with fourth and trying to approach him

"It's nita a girl I saw multiple times with fourth" he said as he remembered her from the last time he saw her at the library with fourth

As the girl noticed gemini and dunk looking at them she leaned to fourth side grabbing his arm and clinging to him and what made Gemini and dunk more surprised that fourth wasn't pushing her away

"Who that bitch think she is" dunk said so loudly grabbing the whole cafeteria attention as he tried to go and destroy both the girl and fourth "it's okey dunk we have nothing to do " as gemini tried pulling dunk back before committing a scene "fourth your such a jerk did u hear me " dunk said and fourth was looking at them

Gemini finally managed to drag dunk out of there and they went back to the dorm

Fourth tried to follow them and know what's happening but before he could stand up they were already gone

"I'm... I'm sorry" dunk said to the boy next to him who was still shocked of  what he just witnessed , before he bursted into tears and the only thing dunk was able to do is hugging and patting the boy on his back like a little baby and his mom

He wasn't crying because fourth didn't push the girl away , but at the fact that he actually thought fourth may have liked him after all the things they did together, He felt like an idiot

Not even a minute later fourth came back to the dorm trying to search for Gemini but he only found his best friend

✶Flashback before Gemini and dunk came to the cafeteria✶✶

Fourth got a text from one of his old friends inviting him to the cafeteria to have breakfast there but he couldn't be rude and turn them off so he decided to make it quick

He took his leave from the library to the cafeteria as he found the six of them waiting for him and one of them was nita a girl that has been following fourth for a long time now

He rejected her many times but she didn't gave up thinking that she could have a chance with him

He took his seat next to her since it was the only empty place

And She started flirting with him and bragging about how rich her family was and some other shit that fourth didn't pay any attention for

But what caught his attention was Gemini as noticed that he was at the cafeteria too but what he didn't know is that the girl next to him already noticed that he's not giving her any attention and his eyes were only on that boy standing in front of them (Gemini)

So she did what she did to get that boy away from fourth

And fourth wasn't stupid enough to not push her away but before he could do so Gemini and dunk were already gone and  probably misunderstood everything

"What the fuck are u doing" fourth said angrily pushing the girl away from him " if you ever try to approach Me again , I swear something bad will happen to
you "

"I'm sorry fourth I didn't mean--" before she could finish her sentence the boy already made his way to search for his boy and explain everything to him 

✶✶ end of flashback ✶✶

Will fourth be able to explain things to gemini 🤔

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