chapter 15 : busy

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Tomorrow will be an important day for both gemini and fourth bcz it's their 5th year anniversary of being couples, and fourth is a doctor now as for gemini he is working at a big architecture company and the same goes for their best friends dunk is working at the same company and team as gemini and joong is working at the same hospital as fourth

But fourth and gemini has been very busy with work the fact that they are not able to even touch or see each other each other since fourth wakes up at 4 am to go to work and leave gemini behind him and when he come back he find gemini already asleep

and this thing has been going on for the past 3 months since fourth's schedule got tied up and as well as gemini's

Fourth woke up as usual, it was 4 in the morning so he shut down the alarm quickly to not wake his lover up, he took a deep breath looking at his boyfriend as he was sleeping next to him , he wanted to kiss him and hug him so bad but he only pressed a kiss on his forehead and decided to get ready

So he took a chower , put his perfume and his work clothes on and as he was ready to leave he heard his boyfriend calling him "fourth" gemini mumbled but it was enough for fourth to hear him so he sat next to him

"what's wrong babe" he said pressing a kiss on his cheek "are you coming back early tonight" gemini said still half asleep cuz it was very early in the morning "I'm sorry but have extra work today" he said with a sad smile but gemini didn't replie as he crawled to the blanket hiding himself "I'm sorry"fourth said pressing a kiss on his head and went out for work

Gemini doesn't even know if fourth remember their anniversary day or not because of how busy he is but he was planning to take 2 days off to go and buy a present for him and spend a whole day together but he doesn't know if fourth will be available that day

As for fourth he already took two days off his work as he gave joong the charge so he could spend the entire days with gemini and buy a cute present for him , and as he has been with gemini for the past years he knows very well what gemini wants he knows that he is not a big fan of any expansive or extra things , because he is very simple person and fourth knows it , so he was planning to spend their day at multiple places


Fourth came back to his office as he found a missing call from gemini, he looked at the time and it was 12 am and it turned out that he finished work way earlier than usual so he quickly packed his stuff and head home

He came back as he saw a lighting at the living room as he heard the noise of the television but gemini wouldn't usually be awake this late, "wait is he waiting for me" fourth thought to himself as he quickly ran to the living room as he found his boyfriend sitting there

And as soon as gemini saw him they ran hugging each other so tighly because of how much they missed each other and before waisting any minute they smashed their lips together kissing each other , tongue involved, it was a hot kiss as they finally separated and a sting of sliva connected their lips as both looked at each other's eyes trying to read the signals each other is giving

"I missed you so much" fourth said between their lips as the other smiled "you don't even know how bad I wanted to see you" gemini said blushing as he received a pec on his lips

"You waited for me" fourth said holding gemini's waist tighter trying to be as close as possible to him "yes I did I was prepared to wait longer" he said with a chuckle with that oh beautiful smile that drove him insane

They sat together on the sofa except gemini was actually sitting on his boyfriend's lap his hands around his neck, it was his favorite position

"I wanted to talk to you about something" gemini said with an obvious nervousness in his voice which fourth noticed "I'm all ears for you" fourth replied patting on his back to make him feel comfortable

"Do you know when our anniversary day will be" gemini said and a wide smile came across fourth's face "of course I do and I already took a 2 days off my work for you" fourth said as he was jumped by a hug from his boyfriend "I was very worried that you'll forget about it " gemini said hugging fourth thigher "why would I forget such an important day hmm" he said returning a thigher hug kissing his neck

"fourth" gemini said between the hug "I love you so much" he said as he fell asleep because of how tired he was so fourth carried him to their bed "I love you more than you think and would never imagine my life without you gemini" fourth said as he knew his boyfriend didn't hear him but he had to say it....

Cuteeee<3 anyways hope u enjoyed it hehe and I also take back what I said that this will be the last chapter 🧍🏻‍♀️

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