chapter 4 : weird dream

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Fourth and joong were gone for their classes and it's just dunk and Gemini at the house now

Gemini woke to his phone ringing he wanted to decline the call but he realized it was his mom calling so he quickly got up and answered

📞mom : hello hunny

Gemini : hi mom how are u doing

📞mom : I'm good how about u, how is everything in the dorm, ur new roommates, is everything all right

Gemini : everything is great here I like it

Gemini took a look at the clock just to find that it was 3 pm and they had a class at 3:30 "I gotta go mom I have a class in few minutes I will call you later"

He ended the call and went quickly to wake his friend up " dunk wake up we overslept " the boy woke up all grumpy
"But I wanted to shower and do my skincare"

" we don't have time for that go dress up" this class was kinda important for their grade, they better not miss it

The two made it to the class at the last minutes and sat down next to each other as usual and started taking notes

"I had a weird dream yesterday " Gemini said after he finished taking the notes

"What was it about" dunk stopped writing too waiting curiously for Gemini to spell the tea

" well I had this dream when fourth came up to me and... "

"And " dunk repeated after him

"And he kissed my ear and whispered something " Gemini finally let it out

"WHAT" dunk accidentally raised his voice "shhh stay quite" he pinched his arm to shut him up

"Why would you have such a dream like that" dunk asked

Gemini was confused too he didn't met fourth for more than a day and he all ready had this type of dream about him, that's embarrassing

The class ended and they were heading to the cafeteria to grab a drink as they met joong on their way " ai gem can you give this book to fourth he is at the library"

"What, no dunk can go" gemini quickly said pushing dunk to joong but he noticed that dunk want to have some time with joon

Well he knew from the beginning that dunk is having a fat ass crush on joong he didn't wanna ruin the moment so he grabbed the book and made his way to the library

He made it there and started searching for fourth and he noticed that he was sitting with a girl looks like she was flirting with him but he was smiling back means he is unbothered

Well his lovely friend already told him that fourth is really famous among girls and even boys here they all wish a change with him "I mean he's a good looking guy" gemini thought to him self

"Phi joong told me to give u this book back" he put the book as he was ready to leave when a hand stopped him

"Where are u going" he asked with soft voice that melted gemini down

"I... I was going back to the dorm " he said nervously looking at the girl who is about to eat him alive with her eyes he knew that the girl is trying to spend time with fourth " let's go together than "

Fourth said packing up his stuff " what about the girl" Gemini tried stopping him "oh nita...she has homework to get done I was actually interrupting her"

He said dragging Gemini by his neck and headed out of the library to the dorm

This time they were alone just him and Gemini

Fourth was really hungry so he decided to make some food for both of them " let's go make something to eat" he suggested and Gemini agreed with a nod

"Can I ask u something"....

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