chapter 16 : anniversary day

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Well well well guess who decided to show up finally uhmm I'm sorry again for being late but as I said before I'm at a family trip at the moment and I'm trying to enjoy most of it soo... I'm sorry again:<

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It was the next day and Gemini woke up but the bed was empty , fourth wasn't beside him so he thought that he went for a morning run as he usually do in his free days so he decided to take the chance and go buy a gift for him

Gemini actually has been collecting money for the past mouths to buy a couples mashing rings but it's not any rings , he actually designed it all by himself with their names on it and it took months to be done but it was ready on time

As for fourth he didn't really went for a morning run or any of that, he actually went to buy a present for his lover and it took him weeks to think of a the perfect gift because fourth bought Gemini all types of presents for the past years

So he came to the conclusion of buying a cute necklace since Gemini really loved accessories and these kinda stuff

So he went to a Gucci store and as the help from the employees there , he found the perfect necklace.

Yes it was a sun necklace since fourth thought that gemini was always the sunshine on his dark and sad days and helped him going through so many things in life and he was always standing right beside him whenever he needed him .


Fourth came back home but found Gemini taking a shower so with no hesitating he nocked the door but Gemini didn't heard him so he checked the lock of the bathroom and it wasn't locked so he went in and Gemini was all naked facing the wall

Gemini finally looked back as he heard some noise behind him and guess what? Yup it fourth , he was standing there awkwardly and come to think of it fourth and Gemini have already showered multiple times together and they have done more than just showering but it felt strange since both haven't done things like this for the past three month

Gemini smiled gently at fourth and signed to the boy to come join him which fourth happily did

They were both naked now both soaking wet as Gemini was leaning against the wall his hands on fourth's Choulders as the other was gripping his wait holding him tighly to be as close as possible to him ,their faces dangerously close to each other

"we haven't had a shower together for so long" Gemini said with a chuckle between their lips "I thought you wouldn't let me join you" he replied making his boyfriend all chocked "why would I miss a one time chance" Gemini said making his boyfriend laugh "why are you laughing" he said slapping his shoulder "I don't know you looked so cute saying that" fourth replied stealing a kiss from him

And Gemini looked at his lips for a second before he smached their lips together circling his hands around his lover's neck , fourth was surprised, Gemini never did something like this before because he was the one always making the first move but he absolutely loved it

The kiss was hot, messy , and fucking sexual and Gemini lost his mind when he felt fourth's tongue pushing past his mouth , he was kissing him so hard as Gemini felt his boyfriend's hands traveling from his waist to his neck knowing that it would make him fold

Fourth finally separated from the kiss as he looked at Gemini , his lips red from how hard he was sucking on them with a flush all over his face , has Gemini ever knowledge his beauty?

"Let's not waste any time, today is an important day"Gemini said to stop fourth before they will end up doing something more then just kissing

They finished showering so both went to get ready as Gemini wore a cute light blue T-shirt with white jeans As for fourth he wore a black bottoned shirt with a beige jeans

They went to the car and the first destination they were going to is to have breakfast at their favorite restaurant

After eating they went to the them park to have fun there since it gemini's favorite place, they bought so much food from their as well as trying multiple games and importantly trying the roller coaster, it was their favorite part so far and of course taking pictures for the Sevunire

They spent the whole day at the theme park as it was 6pm , it was time to leave to the beach to watch the sunset together and it was probably the right time to give each other the gifs they have bought

They made it to the beach at the right time so they decided to take a walk on the beach holding their hands while watching the beautiful sunset as fourth stopped Gemini facing him

"Today was one of the best days in my life" fourth said linking their hands together "thank you for staying by my side for the past years" he added "I would've never imagined my my life without you" fourth said kissing gemini's hand but out of sudden Gemini started crying

"What's wrong, why are crying babe" fourth said whipping the tears off his face "I'm the one supposed to thank you for staying with me and giving me all the love and care I needed and for making feel so special and giving all the attention for me when no one did" Gemini confessed and fourth was looking at him silently with a wide smile on his face as he dragged him for a hug feeling really happy for making Gemini knowledge the love he has for him

and after the boy finally calmed down "fourth" he said between the hug "hmm" fourth responded "I love you" he said as fourth separated from the hug"im a lucky person to have you in my life Gemini" he said tracing his hand the his lover's face "I love you too" he said making his boyfriend smile widely

"I actually both you something" fourth said "but close your eyes first" he added so the other closed his eyes as he felt something going around his neck"you can open your eyes now" so Gemini opened his eyes to see a necklace "aww fourth it so beautiful, how did you know I liked these stuff" he said looking excitedly at the necklace "well we've been together for 5 years and it would've been a shame if I didn't know" fourth said

"I'll do my best to keep it with me forever" Gemini said giving fourth a peck kiss on his cheek "it's really beautiful , thank you" he added

"Well I did buy "us" something too"but fourth raised his eyebrow " us" fourth said "yes us and you will give me your hand right now" Gemini said and fourth didn't waste a minute and gave him his hand

Gemini grabbed his boyfriend's hand as he placed the ring on his finger with a shy smile on his face "and here is the other ring, I'm gonna wear it" and before he could wear it fourth stopped him

"Wait let me put it for you" fourth said grabbing the ring but before he did so he started thinking

what if he proposed to Gemini right now to be his fiancé ? what if he wouldn't do it right now , where is he gonna find the right time to do it ? what if Gemini doesn't want to take any step further than just being boyfriends? Did Gemini even though about this thing because fourth has been

He has been thinking about this thing for the past year and fourth already made his decision a long time ago and yeah he doesn't wanna be just boyfriends anymore he want Gemini to be his husband , he want Gemini to be his and he want to be gemini's.....

Next episode will be happy and spicy that's all I'm gonna say 🏃‍♀️

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