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Briar's POV
When I awoke a few hours later, I was alone. I had been tucked under my covers and my curtains had been drawn. I made a groan and flopped over to the other side of the bed. There was a note written on one of those hotel notebooks on my side table. I immediately recognised Oscar's handwriting. He had done so much for me the past few days, I really don't know how I'll ever repay him.

'I had to get to training, can't be slacking on your plan! I'll call you later. Os x'

I smiled at the note. I can't believe he actually stayed. When I picked up my phone the first thing I did was check all of my social media. I had a probate Instagram account for this exact reason. There were no more follow requests than usual, and I hadn't yet seen any paparazzi pictures. I think I may have to count my blessings this time and that they weren't being published. If they were going to post them, they would have done already, I remember that from F2. I also scrolled through my messages, making sure there weren't any messages from my father. None there either. While I was on my phone I made it a point to message Oscar and thank him.

'Thanks for everything earlier, I know I've been a bit of a mess these last few days. I promise I'll make it up to you x'.

A few minutes later, I earned a response, making me feel as though there wasn't such a weight on my shoulders anymore.

'For all of this expect you to make get me into the points this weekend :)'

'I'll see what I can do for you Piastri. Just make sure you're on time for your PT  later or deal with my wrath :))'

'Wouldn't expect anything less from you Miss Slater x'

I chuckled at our short conversation. He had done so much for me in so little time. He didn't have to. This time last week we couldn't stand each other but now we were getting on and we were actually enjoying our time together. I had decided how I would begin to make it up to Oscar for how much he'd done today, he could have just left me to the paparazzi and he probably should have done. I remember back to our old racing days. Oscar would always
complain that he hated working out alone, he said it became more like a chore when he was on his own. Deciding that I would surprise him and join him on today's workout, I sent a message off to Mark, trying to pull some strings.

'Hey Mark, it's Briar. I was hoping I could tag along onto Oscar's PT session. I want to see what I'm dealing with and thought it would be nice to get back into the rhythm of a racer.'

'Of course, we'll be in the gym in 20 mins.'

I got myself changed into some sports gear I'd packed in the unlikely chance I'd want to go for a run. Well, it was definitely coming in handy now. I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a grey sports bra as well as tying my hair up into a high ponytail. Thankfully, I had also remembered to bring a pair of running trainers. Jesus, I really was prepared for everything. I grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and packed up a small bag and head out of the door, after spraying myself with deodorant and then made my way down to the bottom floor gym where Oscar and his trainer Mark would be.

Turning the corner, I caught a glimpse of Oscar and Mark speaking to someone else in McLaren gear. I had recognised his face, I'm pretty sure it was Oscar's teammate, but I couldn't remember for the life of me what his name was. As I grew closer and still couldn't remember his name, the embarrassent also grew stronger, taking hold and I no longer wanted to talk to them. I decided internally that I would just sneak in later on, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. Just as I turned back on my heals to walk back down the corridor I had once come down, I heard a voice and cursed myself under my breath. Fuck.

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