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Briar's POV

It had been a few days and me and Oscar had been getting on relatively well. Yes, there were the times when we would bicker if he turned up late or wasn't properly trying in training, but all in all it had been going well. I had seen a fair few improvements in his mentality. We were nowhere near F1 ready yet, but the progress was commendable. It was now Saturday, and the race was just around the corner and I still had to get him ready.

From Friday, we spent a lot more time in the McLaren garage rather than the gym or with Mark. We had recorded some YouTube videos and Tiktoks and were getting ready for the race tomorrow. Oscar was with his engineers, he had been driving the best I had seen in our times of racing, he really was doing really well. I was just trying to get some meal plans together on my laptop and I had put on a pair of headphones to listen to the pitwall. I had always enjoyed listening to the pitwall, I found it intriguing and weirdly calming. That was until I was interrupted by another British accent in the garage.

"Hey Briar, how's it going?" I looked up to see Lando hovering over my shoulder, looking at the documents I was typing.

"Oh, you know how it is, I have to plan out every single aspect of his life if I'm going to get him anywhere." He laughed at my response.

"Go on then, let's have a look. I have like 15 minutes before I have to meet my engineers."

"Take a seat then Mr Norris." He followed order and took the stool next to me as I removed my headphones to have a proper conversation.

We spoke for the next 15 minutes talking about my plans for Oscar and a couple of stories from my time in F2. I had found out that I had started in F2 the year after Lando had moved into F1. We had good conversations. It was nice to have a fellow Brit around after being stuck with Oscar's Australian accent. I got on really well with Lando. Besides the fact that he was very attractive, he was a nice person, he made me laugh as well as smile.

"Right, well I have to get going. But listen, can I get your number? It was really good talking to you. It's nice having someone else around you know," I smiled at his statement, writing my number on a little piece of scrap paper from my notebook.

"Thanks." He said as I passed over the piece of paper, our fingers gently making contact. I smiled on in return, receiving one back from the handsome driver stood in front of me.

As he walked away to meet his engineer, I couldn't help but shake my head, my smile still not parting from my lips. Apparently I was smiling a bit too much because I had caught the attention of a certain Australian who had been searching for me and the very important document which would tell him what he can feed on next.

"Briar, there you are. What were you talking to Lando about?"

"Oh nothing much, just getting to know each other." I said to him.

"Did I see you give him your number?" He asked

"Yeah so?"

"That's not a good idea Briar." He stated, slightly more firm this time.

"And why is that? Don't be getting all protective on me now."

"He's got himself a bit of a reputation here. You know, he was with this girl, Luisa, but then he started going round with all these girls. He became renowned at parties for being a bit of a man whore around the garage."

I just didn't believe it. From the conversations I had with Lando, he just didn't seem like that kind of person. He seemed kind and genuine. There was never anything wrong about chatting someone up at a party. For fuck sake, he tried it on with my best friend before this race.

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