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Briar's POV

I had quite possibly one of the worst nights sleep I have had since I started my new job here. I had always been used to sleeping in hotels, especially during my time driving, but with Oscar snoring next to me and the knowledge of sharing this small space for the next 7 days, was enough to keep me awake even if I'd been shot with a horse tranquiliser.

I looked over at my phone to check the time. The illuminated numbers read 5:37. Early enough for me to get up without looking like I could well be a serial killer. I stumbled around the room collecting my clothes and shower stuff trying not to wake the sleeping beauty who was completely sprawled out across the bed. I was completely graceful in my exit from the bed until my 'Briar brain', as V calls it, kicked in. I went face first over Oscar's obnoxiously large suitcase, headbutting the side of the cabinet on the way down. I pressed a few fingers to my head and and the moment I touched my skin it was painful. Shit. No blood at least. When I heard Oscar tossing and turning in bed, I made my swift escape to the bathroom and locked myself in there.

I stared at myself in the mirror, a bruise already forming. I tried not think too much about it and got into the shower ready for my 7am start. After a speedy shower, I straightened my hair only to realise the humidity outside and decide on a high ponytail for the day to keep my hair off my neck for the day. I shoved my sunglasses on my head to keep my baby hairs out of my face and proceeded to slab as much concealer on my new friend on my forehead. I put on some mascara and a little bit of lipstick before hearing a knock on the bathroom door. 

"Briar? Are you nearly done? I'm need a shower before we leave." He said from the other side.

I unlocked the door, towel and pyjamas in hand, and looked at foot upwards at Oscar and his bedhead. I have to admit, I was a but taken aback by his looks. I found it far too attractive, especially when I'm this pissed with him. But those eyes, still tired just stare back at me, making me slightly breathless. 

As quickly as I was in a trance, I snapped myself out of it and moved past Oscar, but not before barging him with my shoulder. He sighed a gust of defeat before walking into the bathroom without a second word. It made me feel quite guilty about my mood towards him, but then his words just come running back and my guilt evaporates. I pack up my things for the day; my laptop, my files and my water and sit on the bed. 20 minutes pass and I can still hear the shower in the bathroom going. I've had enough of waiting, so I bang on the door and shout.

"Oscar, hurry the fuck up. I want breakfast before we have to leave for practice!" 

No answer.

Just as I was about to bang on the door a second time, he opened the door and once again he looked annoyingly attractive, only this time with shower hair. Get a grip Briar. Very quickly I instead decided to slam his kit bag into his chest, the one that I had the time to pack while he was busy prettying himself in the shower.

I grabbed my jacket and the room keys before shoving Oscar out of the door.

"Right, this week is already difficult enough for me, I need you to not fuck it up on the track."

"Have I ever?" he replied sarcastically

I gave him a cold stare before spitting the words, "You did last week."

The pain in his face was evident. It was at this point that I thought about what Valeria and Robert had always told me. 'You can hold a grudge forever but you can't hold it against them forever.' I thought it just best to stop tormenting him and be polite rather than just snapping. That was just going to make this week so much harder for the both of us. I can give as good as I get, but I could see that Oscar wasn't tormenting me at the moment, so for now I have decided for the sake of my sanity to be civil.

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