Before the Competition

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"CODY, CODY, CODY!!" my best friend Kitty says running up to me. "Have you seen the casting call for a new reality show this summer?"

"Oh yeah that." I reply "I auditioned for it."

"So cool. Emma's not letting me but I really want to. Anyways, I got to go. I'm meeting my partners in science. See you after school!!"

"Bye" I say, heading to history.

Kitty's so lucky. She's been dating the same two people since 7th grade and I've never even had two friends.

~Time Skip~

My phone rings and I answer it while unlocking my front door. "Oh, hey Kitty."

"Cody, you guys are getting to see if you got in today!!"

"Really?" I say "I'm heading to my room right now. I can check my email"

"YES YES YES. I NEED TO KNOW!!!" she exclaims

"Ok ok ok"

I head to my room to see a new email on my computer.

It reads:

Dear Cody Anderson,

We are pleased to inform you, that you have gotten into the most exclusive new reality tv show. Total Drama Island. Please fly to Muskoka, Ontario on xxx. A boat will be waiting to take you to the island with the other 21 campers to compete for 100,000 dollars.

Thank you for auditioning,

Jennifer Pertsch and Tom McGillis


"Kitty I got in!!"

"YAAAAY. I'm so excited for you. You'll have to tell me everything when you get back!! Wait Emma's calling me. I got to go."

She hangs up and I just sit in my chair. I can't believe I got in! The show is going to be crazy.

[249 words] Sorry for the short chapters. I'm not very good at writing longer chapters but I hope you enjoy the story!

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