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~Noah's Pov~

After getting voted off third (seriously?). I made it to the  "Playa des Losers"

This place is so much better than the island but I'm still not doing much. It's mostly wake up, read, eat, read, eat, sleep. Speaking of reading. I left the book I was reading during the dodge ball camp on the Island by accident. I didn't even finish it.

When I got here Eva and Ezekiel were already here. Eva was nice. We've been talking. Apparently she also really likes classic literature. Ezekiel...has still been Ezekiel. Besides the constant pleasuring himself in the sauna and the sexism he's, alright.

After I got eliminated came Justin, the hot guy. Even being into stereotypically hot guys, I didn't really like Justin. Plus, he is so self-absorbed.

After Justin came Katie. I do not like her at all. She's even less bearable than her twin. Plus, I saw her and Justin making out in the sauna, right next to Ezekiel.

After Katie, Tyler got voted off. Apparently the dude couldn't face his fear of chickens for the challenge. What a wimp! Tyler's cool but he keeps splashing me when he jumps off the diving boards.

Izzy got eliminated next and apparently the RCMP was after her. She didn't tell us much but, I watched the episode.

We're all excited for the next camper to arrive. I don't know who else I can deal with in this place.

I woke up this morning at 6 and took a shower, changed into my swim trunks, and headed to the breakfast buffet. I grabbed some eggs and toast, while Tyler stacked his plate high with who knows what.

I sat by the pool for a few hours and read. Then after inevitably getting splashed by Tyler diving into the pool, I headed back to my room. I showered, AGAIN. And turned on some reality tv. I know it's cliche, but I am pretty much a walking stereotype. While the host droned on, I zoned out thinking about the campers on the island. There was Trent who was super nice and chill. He was a guy I could actually talk to about guys unlike Owen who was a total bisexual disaster. I mean geez dude. Asking a guy about his pants? How much more awkward can you get? There was also Heather, the absolute bitchiest girl on the island. She's so mean. There was also Cody. Oh Cody. The most awkward little guy. I actually really liked him. Like really liked him. I definitely had a little crush on him.

When he sat next to me during the Dodgeball game, I nearly passed out. HE's so cute. Him and his little gap tooth and his constant awkwardness. I know I already said that but he's just so cute. I bet Gwen doesn't even think about him. Yeah, I know. Cheesy much. But I'm jealous of her. She's got such a grip on Cody. I was so mean to him I don't even think we could be friends!

Anyways, we're all sitting at the pool waiting for the next eliminated camper to walk in, when I see him. That fluffy hair, that sweater vest, that immature "swagger" It's him...

[525 words] Sorry for the cheesy writing. I'm not good at writing for Noah. Also sorry for the rewrite. I wanted to add some more details to this chapter. Hope you liked it! And I hope you have a good morning/night. I love you <3

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