Goodbye...For Now

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I walk down the hallway and raise my fist to knock on the door.

It opens.

Oh, it's you." Noah says he's blushing.

"Can we talk?" I ask,

"Yeah, sure." he says. I walk in carrying my duffel bag and sit on the couch. He sits down next to me.

"So...what do you want to talk about?" asks Noah

"I just wanted to tell you -thatIthinkI'minlovewithyouandI'msorrybutlikeyourreallyhotandcoolandIhopethisdoesn'truinourfriendship." I blurt out


"I-I think I'm in love with you." I say

"Wait really?" he says and I can't tell if he's happy or not. He's probably really upset. And I get it I'm just sad that he won't ever be in love with me.

"I think I'm in love with you!" he says

"Really?" I ask, incredulous

"Of course. I mean it's you Cody. You're so cute and sweet." he says, being soft for once. And all of my fears are lifted. He actually loves me back! Who knew!

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and lean forward to kiss Noah. His lips meet mine and suddenly he's kissing me back. My hands curl into his hair and he cups my cheeks. It feels like this moment lasts forever, and then we hear an **ahem** from the door. 

My hand is still raised to knock on the door. I know Noah's never going to feel the same way, all of that was just a fantasy, and that's all it will ever be...

Noah opens the door, holding his bags. "Hi." he says, questioning why my fist is raised.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I wondered if you wanted to walk to the dock together." I'm blushing so hard, hopefully.

"Yeah, sure." he says

When we get there Katie and Sadie are stepping on their boat.

"Alright. You two." Chef says, pointing to me and Noah, "You're next. Get your stuff."

The boat pulls up and we get on and it sails away towards the main land as we wave bye to the other contestants on Total. Drama. Island.

[322 words] Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you liked it! The next part is just info on a sequel.

Thank you all for reading Not Just a Kiss on the Ear, it means a lot to me ❤️

Not Just a Kiss on the Ear [noahxcody]Where stories live. Discover now