Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Homosexuals

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A/N  So, I didn't rewatch Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island (the episode this part takes place during) so sorry for the little to no dialogue.

It had been about four weeks since Chris had come to talk film with the castoffs and 5 weeks since Noah and I had stopped talking. We were were split into teams during the finale and we were on different teams! Noah on his besties and I was on Gwen's. Owen had ended up winning with some help from Izzy and Noah had gone to celebrate with the rest of the team. I had gone to console Gwen and asked if they could be friends, because I don't actually have a crush on her anymore. I even told her about Noah, she had supported me and said how good of a couple she thought we would be.

The next day we were all gathered at Playa des Losers and we were all hanging out. Noah is hanging out with Owen and I'm dreamily staring at him, daydreaming about all the dates we could go on and all the stuff we could do I miss Owen handing over all his money (and more) to anybody. When I zone back in, the rest of the cast (not Owen) were refusing to take the money and I join in. Eventually Chris convinces us all to go find the money. We end up all stuck in one big pile and when we get out DJ and Tyler ask me to join a team with them and find Owen and the money. I agree and we set off.

Our group finds Owen and go off to find the money. "So Cody." asks Owen "How's Noah?"

"What why do you ask?" I say, suspiciously

"Well, like everybody knows you like Noah." says DJ

"Wait, what?" both Tyler and I say

"Well, apparently not everybody." says DJ "But yeah. It's so totally obvious to everyone. Except Noah apparently, 'cause if he knew you guys would already be hardcore making out like Geoff and Bridgette."

"What no we wouldn't." I splutter, trying to defend myself "Plus Noah totally doesn't like me in that way."

"Oh, come on! It's so obvious." says Owen

"Not to me" says Tyler

"Well of course not Tyler." DJ says

"I mean. I like Noah and people keep saying he likes me too. But I just don't see it." I say

"Well ok." DJ and Owen say

We continue walking and find the suitcase hanging from a tree. Tyler gets it down after several tries and we try to find a way to get to the dock without anybody cheating (lol imagine if it was just these four competing in action, anyways back to noco). I eventually grab the rope that was tying the suitcase to the tree and tie us all together. We walk through the woods, trying to get to the dock. Owen traumatizes us all by shitting behind a bush and then somebody stole the case.

Later. We have the case back but Courtney is desperately trying to the case from us in a hot airballoon. She drags us through several trees and eventually we all get into it and get untied. I float through the air leaving behind DJ, Owen, and Tyler on a diving board. I float through the air and I can see Noah walking around with Eva without pants on. I think I saw Duncan yank them down earlier. Man, what I would give to be Duncan today...I MEAN DUNCAN SEEMS TO BE A GREAT GUY. YUP, THAT'S WHAT I MEANT.

Eventually I drift down onto the ground to see Geoff, Bridgette, Trent, Gwen, DJ, Izzy, Leshawna, Justin, Lindsay, Harold, Owen, Beth, and Duncan in the water and Chris introducing a new season. The others all head to the cabins to dry off, Katie, Sadie, me, Noah, Zeke, Eva, and Tyler head to the dock(Courtney's lost in the woods, hopefully forever. Hopefully to get in a boat and head to the airport.

"Where do you guys think you're going?" asks Chris

"The dock." says Katie

"Nuh uh. We're introducing some new episodes since the whole cast isn't participating. You guys will head back home, pack and then go to a hotel right next to our filming location. And don't think about trying to leave. Your contracts have you enslaved until whenever I please."

We all grumble under our breaths as a boat pulls up to take us back to the Playa des Losers. We all get on as the campers participating in the new season walk to the dock. They all get on the boat as it heads to the resort. When we get back I head up to my room, passing Trent and Gwen necking in the hallway. I pack all my stuff and grab my duffel bag, then I head out of my room. Locking the door behind me. I walk down the hall and knock on somebody's door (wonder who? /s).

"Yeah." Noah says, opening the door. "Oh, it's you."

He's blushing, but it probably doesn't mean anything...

[829 words] I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for the lack of details I didn't rewatch the episode this takes place during before writing the chapter so yeah. Also pls pls pls check out my other stuff bc two of them are request based and (imo) interesting! Have a great day or night!

 Love you <3

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