Paintball Deer Hunter

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 Last night I couldn't sleep. So, I started reading the book Noah left. It's a fluffy romance book which I didn't expect from Noah. It is gay, which I guess makes sense for him. By the time I do got to sleep, Chris wakes us up with his helicopter. I go to sit outside, alone. Gwen's sitting with Trent. I'm glad I set them up. I kind of want to be friends with Gwen more than her boyfriend.

Chris introduces the challenge, which is Paintball. Basically, the teams are split in two. One half are hunters, the other half are deer. The Killer Bass' hunters are Bridgette, Harold, and Geoff. Their deer are Duncan, Courtney, Sadie, and DJ. Our hunters are Beth, Lindsay, Leshawna and Owen. Our deer being Heather, Gwen, Trent, and me.

Both Heather and Duncan refuse to wear their deer outfits. But, if they don't their team loses.

We walk into the forest and Gwen says "This is probably the lamest thing I've ever done"

"Aww c'mon it could be fun." I say, and she glares at me "Alright catch you later!" I go further into the forest just walking around. I don't see anybody so I sit down against a tree and continue reading the book Noah left. Trent and Gwen walk past me and don't seem to notice me. They're giggling and talking. I get up to leave them in peace and start looking around the forest.

I see Beth walking around and whisper to her.  She responds with"Whoever you are. Go ahead, shoot me. You can't make today any yuckier."

I step out of the bushes to say "You're a hunter, I'm a deer, a slight food chain issue w/ me shooting you. Anyways, how goes it?" and I keep pace with her and she walks further into the woods. Back towards where we were at the beginning. "I'm so done with this game." she says

"What happened? Have you bagged any deer yet?" I ask

"No, but I did risk my life to get this bag of chips." she answers as we walk into a clearing and see Heather sitting on a log. "What took you so long?" she asks, angrily

"Here. I hope you know what I had to go through to get these." Beth says, handing the chips to Heather.

"There's like 11 chips in here" Heather says, rotting through the bag, "And they're BBQ. Go exchange them for dill pickle."

"NO" says Beth

"What did you just say?" Heather asks, infuriated.

I grab the crumpled bag of chips off the floor. "I'm just gonna, yeah." and I run off.

As I'm walking through the forest, I start talking to myself. "Mm, BBQ. The king of chip flavors." I'm just a tad bit crazy because of this show. I pause, seeing some berries. "Mmm, berries." I say and realize there is a huge bear behind me!! "Hey big fellow. Want some berries?" I say, before he violently attacks me and I blackout. Second time this month!

Later, I'm in the infirmary, all bandaged and wheelchaired up as Chris gives us, but mostly me, a lecture.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Stealing chips from Chef. Eating in the woods. Getting mauled by a bear. Do you know what I see here? I see a very undisciplined group, I see a disgraceful mess, I see a massive waste of paint product and I have to say that was awesome! When you guys opened fire on ur own team!! Wicked tv guys."

Harold interjects asking "Hey, where are Duncan and Courtney?"

And, there they are. Perfectly timed and walking out of the woods with their antlers all tangled.

"Oh, this is too much!" says Gwen

"Ooh Duncan. You sly dog, you." Owen says

"The girl can't keep her antlers off me!" he responds, immediately getting kneed in the kiwis by Courtney. "Can't even bend over" he wheezes

"Our medical tent is only equipped for one at a time and Cody is pretty messed up." says Chris "And seeing that three members of the gophers are dripping in paint." Lindsay turns around "Make that four and some aren't even deer. I think we have our winner! Gophers, I'll see you at the campfire ceremony."

Later at the elimination ceremony Heather is talking trash. "I mean, what is wrong with you people? I can't wait to see Beth kicked off. I just wish i could vote off two campers at once!"

I flashback to my confessional I recorded earlier "I know I got mauled by a bear. But I'm feeling good about this. I'm a quick healer and besides, Heather is as mean as a snake, dude. Her own team shot her like eighteen times. They'll never kick me off."

Chris starts to give his long speech but Gwen rushes him and he starts handing out marshmallows. First to Trent, then Lindsay, Owen, Gwen, Leshawna, Beth, and finally Heather.

I got voted off. I guess it makes sense. But, I'm still super disappointed.

Beth wheels me to the end of the dock with me trying to speak through my bandages all the way. "I know. I can't believe I stood up to her either. I'm gonna be ok. And I still have my good luck charm. See? I got it from Boney Island last week. It's pretty cool. Bye Cody, take care."

And she pushes me straight into the water.

[874 words] Hope you liked the chapter and if you're reading this on the date I publish it (Jul 14) I have rewritten the chapter before it (Noah!?) so go reread it if you want to. Have a good day/night! I Love you!

Um, anyways. TYYYYYYY to my epic boyfriend for letting me now of the double-space in the chapter so I could fix it!!!!!! I love you so muchhhhhhhhhh

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