The First Challenge...

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After we had all walked up the GIANT ASS CLIFF, Chris started to introduce the challenge

"Today's challenge is threefold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake. If you look down, you will see two target areas. the wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with, psychotic man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark-free."

He sounded super maniacal when he said this and I heard Leshawna say "Excuse me?"

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives. There will be a crate of supplies waiting below." Chris continues. "Inside each create are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge.  Building a hot tub! The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home.  Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first."

There's a little bit of discourse about whose going to jump first but the blonde surfer chick, Bridgette, jumps first. After her is Tyler who hits one of the metal buoys. Ouch! After him is Geoff, Eva, and Duncan. Then homeschooled Ezekiel, who hits the side of the cliff. The final one to jump his Harold, who somehow hits his kiwis against the water.

"Alright," Chris says, putting a chicken hat on one of the non-jumpers. "Here is your chicken hat. So, let's tally up the results. Hold on, that's eight jumpers and two chickens. We're missing one.

Apparently Sadie didn't jump because Katie wasn't on her team, so Katie switches with Izzy and we have the crazy girl on our team. They jump and now it's our turn.

"Okay, so that's nine jumpers and two chickens, Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that, we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on." says Chris

"Nice, okay, guys, who's up first?" Trent says

Nobody wants to jump but Heather speaks up saying "I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this."

"Why not?" asks Beth.

"Hello, National TV. I'll get my hair wet."

"You're kidding me right." Gwen says and I nod along, but Noah shakes his head so I stop.

"If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it." says Lindsay, the dumb blonde

"Oh, you're doing it." Leshawna demands

"Says who?" Heather responds.

"Says me, I'm not losing this challenge cuz you got your hairdo you spoil little daddy's girl!"

"Back off, ghetto glamour too tight pants wearing rap star wannabe!" fights Heather

"Mall shopping ponytail-wearing teen girl Rina bacon and hot soup pathway!" argues Leshawna

I don't even understand half the comments, but it's fun to watch.

"Well, at least I'm popular." Heather ends the argument.

"You're jumping." Leshawna forces

"Make me" and she literally picks Heather up and throws her off the cliff, then jumps after her.

Lindsay jumps next, then Gwen. I want to look cool and impress her so I jump next but I end up screaming like a little girl.

Izzy jumps after me. Justin dives after her, but doesn't hit the safe zone. We all scream to make sure he is safe but the sharks are enthralled by him and carry him to the surface.

Beth chickens out, then Trent high fives Owen and jumps. Noah follows and then it's all up to Owen. He ends up making the jump but loses his swim trunks in the process. We got flooded with water from his jump but all I see is Noah coming straight at me screaming. He lands on top of me and we just stare at each other for a second blushing before he gets off.

"Sorry." he says, helping me get up.

"Alright campers," Chris says and Noah rolls his eyes. I laugh."Head to camp, Screaming Gophers you've got these swanky carts."

We walk towards our team mates and Izzy smiles at Noah. He rolls his eyes, I guess they've got a thing going on. I feel this weird feeling in my chest, but I help the other campers load up the carts and we head to camp singing "100 Bottles of Pop on the Wall."

I'm carrying a cart with Izzy, mostly silent but then I end up asking her if she and Noah have a thing going.

"No silly," she says "but I think he likes you..."

"Ha no, he hates me." I say blushing, for some reason

We end up at camp and Beth points them out.

Owen says that it was pretty easy to get there

"I'm pleasantly surprised." I say

Chris tells us we have to open the crates with only our teeth. After about 5 minutes Izzy gets hers open, and then all of ours. We got tools, wood, and a pool liner. We start building our hot tub as the Killer Bass arrive. After about 10 mins we've both almost got our hot tubs constructed and we start an assembly line to fill it up with water. I'm stood next to Noah and when he hands me the bucket we keep eye contact. Maybe Izzy was right? No, no, no. Why would he? Why would I want him to? I'm straight, plus I like Gwen. Right?

5 minutes later Chris starts to judge our hot tubs. He calls ours awesome and moves on to the Killer Bass' when he taps it, it falls apart. And because of that we won!!

After we get our food, Noah and I sit on out team bench.

"So how was the jump?" I ask

"You should know. You took it too." He replies

"Yeah sorry."

We sit in silence until there's a commotion at the other table. We go over and it's Ezekiel saying some very sexist things about the female campers. We back away from the girls who for sure are going to explode. 

"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh, and help him in case they can't keep up." Says Ezekiel.

Eva chokes him and asks "Still think we need help keeping up."

'No." he says

Chris walks in and tells the Bass that it's time for them to vote for the camper they want to eliminate. It'll probably be Zeke.

We head back to our cabins to have a fun hot tub party. After 15 minutes the Bass come back and Harold tells that Ezekiel got voted.

"Just like I thought." says half the team, including Gwen and Noah.

He walks to his cabin with the rest of his team. Leshwana starts dancing and singing "Go Gophers, Go Gophers, Go Gophers." Owen and Noah join her and I can't stop staring...BECAUE THEY'RE GOOD DANCERS.

[1074 words] YES!! More words. I'm really liking this story so far!!

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