Playa des Losers pt. 2

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~Cody's Pov~

It's storming outside. Like sheets of rain pouring against the windows. And it's really not helping my storm anxiety. I don't know what to do, so I grab a pillow and head down the hall, to Noah's room.

I knock on the door and he opens it almost immediately. "Hi," I say. "can I come in?"

"Sure." he says

I walk in, breathing heavily, and sit down on the couch. "What's wrong?" Noah asks

"Sorry." I say "I get super scared during storms and I need someone to be with."

"That's ok, no need to apologize" he says. And wow, I didn't Noah had a soft side. Before I came in, Noah was watching old reruns of Monk so we sit in silence for a while, my head resting on Noah's lap. After a few hours I drift off to sleep...

~Noah's Pov~

OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH. I told myself I wouldn't succumb to Katie and Sadie's evil ways but I guess not because Cody is sleeping...ON MY LAP. I don't know what to do. This has never happened before. I mean I've fallen asleep on somebody's lap. And yes it was Cody. But I've never been somebody's "person I call for help"

I don't really know what to do so I just continue watching the tv. Monk's dealing with this girl who is apparently obsessed with him. Like, seriously. Who gets obsessed with a random guy you only met recently? I mean come on.

Eventually I fall sleep and when I wake up I realize that while I was asleep I was playing with Cody's fucking hair. God I am so stupid.

~Cody's Pov~

I wake up, and I'm still groggy when I realize somebody's playing with my hair. I smile to myself and nestle into whatever's supporting my head. And that's when I realize. It's Noah. He's playing with my hair. I jolt upright.

"Good morning." he says

"Umm, hi." I say "Sorry for last night."

"It's ok." he responds

"Well, I should head back to my room."

"Oh, yeah." he says, almost looking disappointed

I collect my blanket and head to the door and before I close it I can see Noah run to the hotel phone. I close the door and head down the hall to my room. I think about me smiling when Noah was playing with my hair and when he kissed me on the ear. I think about me REALLY missing him when he got voted off, and me smiling at all his jokes, even the bad ones, and treasuring the book he left on the island, and me liking when he fell asleep on my lap, and us hanging out every day. And that's when I realize it. I like Noah, like really like Noah. Like I love him.

I get to my hotel room and deposit my blanket on the bed. I don't know what to do. And then I remember. The talk on the porch-I can go to Trent!

I walk to his room and knock on the door "Come in" he shouts. As I open the door I can see Trent hanging up his hotel phone. "Oh, hey Cody." he says.

"Hey Trent." I say, walking on the room and sitting on the couch. "I'm uhh...having a problem."

"What's going on?" he asks, walking over to sit beside me "I...I think I'm gay." I shudder, starting to cry.

"Being gay is totally ok." Trent reassures me, rubbing me on the back. "I know that, but I thought I was straight and now I have feelings for this guy. And he doesn't like me back. And he DEFINITELY doesn't love me back." I say, through the tears.

"Well, who's the guy. As a fellow bisexual, I must know."

"It's, it's Noah." I say, drying my eyes

"Noah?" Trent says "Are you sure he doesn't like you back."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

"Well, you should talk to him, but before you do that." Trent says, and immediately engulfs me in a hug.

~Noah's Pov~

As soon as Cody leaves I run over to the hotel phone and dial Trent's room number. "Come on. Pick up." I mutter

"Hello?" I hear from the other line. "Trent, I need to talk to you about something. You remember how I told you I liked Cody. Well I actually think I might love him. I mean I love his little gap tooth and I love how he always takes the opportunity to swim but never puts on sunscreen. But that's not the point. He was sleeping on my lap-"

"Oooooh." I hear Trent say

"Shut up." I say "Anyways, he was sleeping on my lap and then I fell asleep, and when I woke up. I was playing with his hair!! I am so stupid!!"

"Do you ever think Cody might like you back?" Trent asks

"What are you talking about??" I ask

"I mean I told you I had a feeling about him. What if my gaydar was right? He could be bi."

"I highly doubt that. Did you see how he was fawning over Gwen on the island. I watched the episodes after I got kicked off. I'm pretty sure he still has her bra!!"

"Well you should just talk to him about everything, hold on. Someone's knocking on my door" Trent says and I vaguely hear him yelling to the person at the door "Come in!"

"Sorry Noah, I got to go. Talk to you later and he hangs up."

[886 word] Hope you liked the chapter! Once again I have to apologize for the bad Noah writing. Be sure to check out my other beautiful, amazing, detailed, works and have an amazing day/night! I love you <3

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