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*Tami's POV*

It was finally the last week of school and I was so happy, I finally get to leave plus I don't have to see the Sidemen anymore. I quickly fixed my hair then throw on a beanie, I looked at myself in the mirror (MEDIA) I grabbed my backpack along with my keys, phone and skateboard before tiptoeing out of my room. I quietly went downstairs and grabbed an apple before leaving, I quietly closed the door behind me and locked it. I slid my phone and keys into my pocket then throw my backpack on to my back, I hopped onto my skateboard and left. I was wearing heels so I was scared that I would fall but then again I'm used to it. After 10 minutes I got to school, I hopped off my skateboard and picked it up before walking into the school building while ignoring the comments that was getting thrown at me. No ones hate gets to me expect for the Sidemen, they are a group on YouTube but they are my bullies. I swear it's their life goal to make my life hell which is already it, they would do anything to see me hurt. Anyways I got to my locker and opened it, I throw my skateboard in along with my backpack then grabbed my books for first and second period. I was about to close my locker when it was slammed shut and I was turned around and pushed against the lockers, I gasped and my books fell from my hands.

"Look who we have here" I heard someone say, I know that voice; Josh. He's the oldest in the Sidemen group and is scarier, I looked up and instantly regretted it because there stood the Sidemen and of course girlfriends

"The school's nerd" Harry said, he's the youngest of the group but trust me he does a lot of damage

"Hey, isn't the prom tomorrow night?" Simon asked, he's the second oldest of the group but he gets most of the girls out of all of them yet he doesn't have a girlfriend; which confuses me more

"I believe it is Simon" Natalie said, she is dating Ethan which makes her popular

"And does the nerd have a date?" Freya said, she is dating Josh and that makes her popular as well

"Is she even going?" Vik asked, he's the second youngest in the group and he's a Minecraft genius

"N-no I-I'm n-not" I said

"What was that?" JJ asked, he's the fourth oldest and someone you don't want to mess with unless you want your face rearranged

"I think she said she won't be there and why is that?" Tobi asked, he's the third oldest in the group and has mad dance skills

"Tobi man, who would go to prom with a girl like that? I mean look at her" Ethan said, he's the fifth oldest or the third youngest in the group which ever but he has the best laugh in the school so if you hear it then you know it's him

"A girl who hides behind books and load of notes" Leander said, she is dating Harry which is why she is popular

"I would feel bad for any guy that is with her, he might as well run for the hills" Aria said, she is dating Vik which obviously led her to being popular. Everyone in the hall started to laugh along them and I just stood there looking down

"Aww is the nerd going to cry" Laurel said and made a fake sad face, she is dating JJ so yea mess with her and JJ will be after your ass. I shook my head and pushed past them but only to get dragged back and slammed into lockers

"Did I say you can leave?" Simon asked, I gulp and shook my head

"Why did you try and leave?" Josh asked and crossed his arms, I was about to reply when the school bell went

"You got lucky" Simon said before pushing me against the lockers then they walked off, I waited for everyone to leave the halls before picking up my book and walking to my class. This is my school life, getting bullied but I've got four more days then I'm out of this hell hole but it will make no differences since I'll still be stuck in another hell hole and that's at home. I walked into my lesson and apologised for being late before walking to my seat which was in the back in the corner near the windows, I sat down and made no eye contact with anyone; two reasons why. One no one talks to the nerd and two at least three of the Sidemen are in my lessons everyday, it doesn't matter what lesson there will be two or three in my lessons. As for the girls, I get them in P.E (Gym class) which is just great and as always I'm the victim. I just want to get this day over and done with plus my parents won't be back until tomorrow so it doesn't matter if I go home with bruises. Bring on the day...


This is just a rough intro to the guys and girls to show what they are like but don't worry they won't be forever mean just a couple chapters.

Hope you enjoy this story and also check out my other books, 'Sidemen One Shots!' and 'My Brother's Best Friend'

Have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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