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*NEXT DAY/Simon's POV*

I was sat in my room editing a GTA video when Scarlet walked into my room, she sat down on my bed

"What's up baby sis?" I asked and turned around to face her

"Are you and Tami getting back together?" Scarlet asked, I looked at her in shock

"Where did that question came from?" I asked

"Simon be serious, are you guys? I need to know" Scarlet said

"Why? Why is it so important?" I asked

"Because I need to know if I should be booking tickets back home if there is no wedding, Simon I'm not suppose to be here for long and I know that you weren't drop me home. I was suppose to leave with mum and dad on your wedding day" Scarlet said, I sighed

"I don't know, she doesn't trust me like she did before" I said and leaned back into my chair

"Do you want her back? Me, Leander, Natalie, Lucy, Laurel, Aria and Abbie can help you get her back, we know you went on a date with her and we want to help" Scarlet said

"I know you guys do want to help but I have to do this on my own, it's my mistake. But I don't know exactly what to do now" I said

"Invite her over for a movie night" Scarlet said

"She won't come if she found out it's just me and her" I said

"Get Josh to invite Jenny as well" Scarlet suggested

"That might actually work" I said

"See, I'm not completely useless at these situations" I said

"Yet you don't have a boyfriend" I teased her, Scarlet blushed and looked down which caused me to gasp

"You have a boyfriend and I don't know about him" I said

"No?" Scarlet said/asked

"Yes you do, why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"Si, you sound like a girl right now" Scarlet said

"I don't care, my baby sister has a boyfriend and I never knew about it" I said, Scarlet lightly punched my shoulder

"Shut up" Scarlet said

"No, now tell me who this guy is" I said

"It's Lewis" Scarlet said

"Lewis? As in the Lewis who works downstairs for Sidemen Clothing? Lewis as in Vik's brother?" I asked

"Yes that Lewis" Scarlet said and throw a pillow at me which I caught

"No way, well I'm off to threaten Lewis" I said and stood up, I throw the pillow onto the bed

"Simon, no don't please. He doesn't know I told you, we agreed to keep it quiet until you and Tami get back together" Scarlet said and blocked the doorway

"But what if me and Tami never get back together?" I asked and raised an eyebrow

"Funny joke Simon, we all know it will happen one day. Plus Tami's tweet say it all" Scarlet said before leaving. Tami's tweet? What did she say? I quickly sat back down and opened Twitter on a new tab, I typed Tami's name in the search bar and clicked on her name before going to her profile


Had a amazing day with a special someone, but shhh don't tell him I enjoyed the night or else I'm RIP ;) Goodnight beautiful people x

I smiled at her tweet, she actually enjoyed the night which is a good thing. Now time to convince her to come to movie night...




I've got nothing else to say then hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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