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*Simon's POV*

After Tami wake up to her nightmare, we both managed to go back to sleep. I woke up the next morning to see that Tami was curled up beside me, she looks so peaceful but I had to wake her up before my mum gets here. I turned over so I was on my side but still facing Tami, I moved her hair away from her face before leaning down next to her ear

"Tami, wake up" I whispered then moved back, she didn't woke up instead she curled up more

"Tami wake up, my mum is going to be here any minute" I said, Tami moved a little bit

"5 minutes please" Tami mumbled, I sighed

"Ok 5 minutes" I said before untangling myself off Tami and got out of bed, I wrapped the blanket around Tami before grabbing some clothes then went to the bathroom. I did my business, washed my face, brushed my teeth and had a quick shower as well. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my neck, I walked into the room to see that Tami was still sleeping. I smiled at her but then grabbed the towel and throw it at her; it landed on her head

"Just because my eyes are closed and I'm laying in bed doesn't mean that I'm sleeping. You didn't have to throw your towel at me" Tami said and moved the towel off her head

"Sorry, I didn't know you was awake" I said, Tami grabbed her glasses and put them on

"Why are we awake this early anyways?" Tami asked and got out of bed, she placed the towel on the spare chair that stays in my room before making the bed

"My mum is coming over, I don't know why but she is" I said

"Any idea of what she is going to make us do?" Tami asked and sat on the edge of the bed after making it

"Probably will tell us to get out of the house more since we don't" I said

"Don't you have to edit?" Tami asked

"Mum told me to pre record and get them edited by today" I said

"Yep, she is definitely sending us outside" Tami said, I grabbed the towel

"Go get ready" I said and playful throw the towel at Tami again, which cause her to glare at me while I chuckled


Mum had just got here and Tami was still in the bathroom, mum greeted everyone before sitting down on one of the stool in the kitchen

"Where is Tami?" Mum asked

"Here" I looked up to see Tami stood in the doorway. She was wearing ripped skinny jeans, a top that said 'nerd', her hair was out and she had her glasses on obviously (MEDIA)

"Come here sweetie" Mum said, Tami smiled and walked over before hugging my mum

"How are you Mrs Minter?" Tami asked before taking a seat next to mum

"I'm good sweetie, how about you? You settling well?" Mum asked, I got up and grabbed us a drink

"I'm doing well and yes I am, Simon has been making sure I do. How's Mr Minter and Simon's brother's?" Tami asked

"They are well, you still need to meet Simon's older brother Johnny and of course their younger sister Scarlet" mum said

"Scarlet?" Tami asked confused

"My younger sister, she lives with mum and dad in Watford that's why you never see her" I said and set glasses of coke in front of them

"How comes she didn't come to my parents house for dinner?" Tami asked

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