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"I still can't believe you agreed to a movie night at the Sidemen house" I said as I pushed my glasses up, Simon throw my contact lenses away the day he came to invite me and Jenny over so I'm not able to wear them; I'm now stuck with glasses and I have to wait to get new contact lenses

"He's been asking for weeks plus Josh as well, I can't believe you turned it down until the three of us literally stood in front of you and begged you to go. Now what the hell are you wearing?" Jenny said/asked

"Comfortable clothes and no makeup. I legit can't be asked to dress up today plus it's just Simon and Josh, they have seem me like this before" I said before shrugging my shoulders (MEDIA)

"I'm not even going to say anything then get your ass into that car" Jenny said and pointed outside, I laughed and went outside. I waited for Jenny since her car was locked

"HURRY UP, YOU FUCK" I shouted

"SHUT UP, YOU BITCH" Jenny shouted as she locked the front door then walked over

"Finally" I said as Jenny unlocked her car

"Bitch" Jenny said

"You love me" I said and got into the car


We finally got to the Sidemen house after being stuck in a long ass traffic, I knocked on the front door and we waited

"SIMON GET THE DOOR" I heard Josh shout from inside, I then heard footsteps before Simon opened the door

"Hello ladies" He said and opened the door wider for us, we walked in and took our shoes off. I wandered into the kitchen while Jenny talked to Simon, I found Josh who was rushing around the kitchen

"Need any help?" I asked which made Josh jump

"Oh God you scared me and no I'm fine, thanks for asking" Josh said and continued to look for whatever he was looking for

"Can I know what you are looking for?" I asked

"The sweet popcorn, I swear we had some in one of these cupboards" Josh said, I facepalmed when I saw that he was looking in all the wrong cupboards. I walked over to the cupboard where the crisps (chips) were and opened it, I bent down and reached into the pile of food. I moved most of the crisps to reveal the sweet popcorn, I grabbed two packets before closing the cupboard and standing up. I cleared my throat and held up the packets

"Looking for these?" I asked, Josh looked at me in shock

"How?" Josh asked, I slid the packets over to him

"Some things in this house has not changed plus Vik and Simon like to hide food" I said, Josh pouted before grabbing the packets and opening them before throwing them into a bowl. Jenny and Simon walked into the kitchen

"We ready for movie night?" Simon asked

"yea" Josh said in his grumpy voice before grabbing the two bowls and going to the living room, I giggled and quickly followed while leaving a confused Jenny and Simon behind

"CHEER UP, YOU FUCK" I shouted and throw a pillow that was on the couch at Josh, he glares at me before hitting me with the pillow

"OK STOP JOSH" I shouted, Josh stopped hitting me and glared more but I just smiled innocently before going over and hugging him

"I sowy" I said in a baby voice, Josh smiled and hugged me back

"Are we missing something?" Jenny asked, I pulled away from the hug and looked at her and Simon

"Nope nothing" Me and Josh said at the same time

"Can we watch the movie now?" I asked changing the subject, we all sat down. The order was Josh then Jenny then me then Simon, we were watching Grace


Simon turned the TV off and we all looked at each other

"That was just disgusting" I said (That movie is so gross, I watched it while I was on holiday)

"We are never watching that again" Jenny said

"Shit! We are out of drinks, I'm gonna run to the stores and buy a few very quickly" Josh said and stood up

"I'll help" Jenny said and stood up as well. Before me or Simon could say anything, they were gone

"Ok then" Simon said and stood up

"Where's Vik?" I asked and stood up as well

"He's staying at Aria, she's not feeling well so he's taking care of her" Simon said, I nodded my head before grabbing the empty bowls while Simon grabbed the empty glasses before we walked into the kitchen. I quickly washed everything and set it to the side

"What do we do now?" Simon asked, I shrugged my shoulders

"Got any videos that needs editing?" I asked

"Yea" Simon said

"Can I help with anything? I might as well do something since I don't have house keys and I can't just leave without Jenny" I said, Simon nodded his head before going upstairs with me following him


Jenny and Josh weren't back yet and me and Simon finished editing, I was sat on Simon's bed with Simon in front of me but sat in his game chair

"Where could they be though? It's been hours since they left" I said

"Don't stress yourself out, they are probably stuck in traffic or something" Simon said, I sighed and looked at Simon

"You are seriously no help at all" I said, I was about to stand up when I realised that I was trapped by Simon

"Can you move please" I said, Simon just looked at me

"Why do you do that? One minute you're ok with me then the next minute you're annoyed or upset with me" Simon said with sadness in his eyes, I looked at him with guilt

"I-I'm just scared to trust you again in fear that you'll hurt me again" I said, Simon looked at me before leaning forward. He was just a few centimetres away from my lips, I take a deep breath and looked into his eyes

"Then let me show you that you can trust me again" Simon whispered before locking his lips with mines sweetly, I slowly kissed back. My hands found their way around Simon's neck while his hands rested on my hips before slowly pushing me down with him hovering over me, I gently wrapped my arms tighter around his neck while hoping that I don't hurt him with my cast that's on my arm. Simon pulled away from the kiss before moving down to my neck where he left little kisses until he found my sweet spot, I moaned letting him know that he has found it which made him smile. Simon made a mark before moving away and staring at me as if he was asking for permission, that's when I realised what was happening. I pushed Simon off me and sat up while breathing heavily, no no no I can't not right now.

"Tami" Simon breathed and placed a hand on my shoulder, I flinched and moved his hand away

"Hey, what's wrong?" Simon asked and turned me around so I was facing him, I looked at him not knowing what to do. Do I trust him and let him do it with me? Or run?

"I-it's my f-first and I'm s-scared" I said, Simon sighed before gently laying me down and hovered over me again

"I'll be gentle, I promise" Simon said before kissing me, I kissed back and thought about what Simon said before wrapping my arms around his neck again. I trust him and this time I didn't push him away...


Cheeky, thought you guys were getting smut? Well as you can see that's not happening but I'll let your mind wonder about what happened while I'm off to my cousin's house in a few hours for the day and night, staying with three energetic kids. I'll see you guys tomorrow that's if the kids didn't kill me, trust me they will if they wanted to but they love me so I doubt it. I'm not lying they legit stick to me like glue and it's very scarier since it's three of them, welp ;-;

Hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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