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I feel like this story has become a drug and yu guys have become drug addicts to it, lol!


"Guys, I don't think this is a good idea" Leander said as we all but Tami stood in the garden

"Trust me, it is. Now go get Tami" I said, Leander and Natalie looked unsure at first but then nodded their heads and went to get Tami

"Now let the plan begin" Josh said and rubbed his hands together

*Tami's POV*

I was lying on Simon's bed reading a book when Leander and Natalie walked in

"Can I help?" I asked and set the book down before sitting up

"Come with us, we want to show you something" Leander said, I looked at them unsure at first but then followed them. They led me to the garden where everyone was stood

"What's going on?" I asked, next thing I knew JJ was holding me back and Josh was holding my mum's prom dress

"What you doing with my mum's dress?" I asked while struggling against JJ's grip

"We thought of giving it a new design" Harry said and with that Simon pulled out a lighter. I shook my head

"Simon, please don't" I said as tears threaten to fall

"Too late" Simon said before dropping the lighter onto my mum's dress

"NOOOOOO" I screamed as I watched the dress go into flames, the Sidemen stood there with smiles on their faces while the girls looked sorry at me. Tears were rolling down my face knowing that I just lost what was the last thing my mum gave to me, Josh had by now dropped the dress onto the floor. I got out of JJ's grip and ran to the dress only to be stopped by Simon

"LET GO OF ME" I shouted and struggled against Simon while watching the dress burn, I pushed Simon off me and ran into the house. I ran up the stairs and into Simon's room, I dropped to the floor just by the foot of the bed and cried. I just cried knowing that I've lost the dress that meant so much to my mum, I heard someone came upstairs but ignored them. I sat there crying when an arm was wrapped around my shoulders

"You're crying over a stupid dress" I heard the person say, I looked up to see Simon and everyone else. I moved Simon arm away from me and stood up, I looked at all of them

"A stupid dress? That dress was my mums, the only thing that I had of hers. You guys are so lucky to have a mum whereas I don't. Burning that dress has made you guys look like idiots and if you hated me that much then why didn't you just take your anger out on me instead of a dress that means so much to me. You guys ruined that dress not once but twice and now it's not fixable, you could have left bruises on me and they would have healed in a few days but no you guys decided to burn the dress. I HATE YOU ALL" I shouted before running past them and into the guest room, I slammed the door shut and blocked it with boxes before sliding down it while crying. I hate them, I really hate them. I crawled to a corner of the room before curling up and crying.


I was really starting to feel bad now, we burnt a dress that meant a lot to Tami and it was the only thing she had of her mum's. After Tami shouted at us, we all run back out into the garden to see the whole dress had burnt after we put out the fire. We all felt really bad, she was right. We all had mums whereas Tami didn't, we don't know what happened to her mum but it had really affected Tami. I got up from my gaming chair after uploading my main channel video and walked to the guest room then knocked

"Tami? Can I come in?" I asked, I got no reply so I knocked again before turning the door handle to see that it was open. I pushed the door open slowly and pecked in to find Tami curled up and asleep. I quietly walked over to her and bent down, I moved some of her hair from her face before picking her up bride style. I then walked to my room with her in my arms, I moved the blanket and set her down on the bed then pulled the blanket over her and bent down and played with her hair

"I'm sorry" I said before getting up and went downstairs...



Have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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