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"So we having another lazy day?" I asked and turned around in my chair, just then the door opened

"You are not having a lazy day because our us are stealing her for the day while you are out with the guys" Scarlet said and grabbed Tami's hand

"Where we going?" Tami asked and grabbed her jumper

"Engagement shopping, you need a dress and so do the girls" Scarlet said and started to pull Tami out, I grabbed Tami's other hand and stopped them

"Turn around like for two seconds" I said

"Simon, we need to go" Scarlet said

"Two seconds man" I said

"I'm not a man and fine" Scarlet said and turned around, I stood up and kissed Tami. She smiled

"Two second is up" Scarlet said and pulled Tami away

"Scarlet" I said

"Sorry bro but we have to go" Scarlet said and pulled Tami downstairs

"BE CAREFUL" I shouted

"YOU AND THE GUYS DON'T BREAK ANYTHING" Tami shouted back and I laughed, just then Josh came up

"You ready to go do some shopping for the engagement party?" Josh asked, I looked at him before grabbing a jacket

"Let's go" I said and followed Josh downstairs just as the girls left

*Tami's POV*

Me, Scarlet, Natalie, Freya and Lucy were in one car while Leander, Laurel, Sarah, Abbie and Aria are in another car. I was wearing a white mini skirt with the Sidemen top tucked in, black heel boots and my Adidas jumper (MEDIA) After the car journey we got to a shopping mall

"Got any idea on what you want?" Natalie asked

"Not really" I said

"I've got an idea, you should base your dress on his GTA colour. You know white and a different colour" Leander said

"That's actually not a bad idea" I said

"What are we waiting for? LET'S GO" Abbie said/shouted, Natalie grabbed my hand and we all run into the mall

*Skipping details*

So we ready bought the dress (Which btw is a secret until the engagement chapter) and now we were looking for shoes

"Can we take a break? My feet are killing me" I said and stopped walking

"I guess we can have lunch since no one has eaten anything" Freya said, we all looked at each other and smiled

"Nando's" we said at the same time, we started to walk to Nando's

"It's crazy how much we love Nando's just like the guys" Sarah said

"It's amazing that's why" I said

"Agreed" The others said, we all looked at each other before laughing

"Excuse me?" We stopped walking and turned to see a girl who looked about 17 and a boy who looked about 10

"Can we help?" Laurel asked

"Yea my brother is a huge fan of the Sidemen and he recognised you guys as the guy's girlfriends. My brother was hoping you can give the guys this, he made it himself" The girl said and handed me a paper with a drawing of the Sidemen, I grabbed it and looked at it. I showed the girls before bending down in front of the boy

"What's your name?" I asked

"Caleb" The boy replied (RANDOM NAME)

"Well Caleb, this is a beautiful drawing and I'll make sure the guys get it" I said

"Thank you" Caleb said

"Your welcome" I said and stood up

"Thank you" The girl said

"No problem hun" I said before us girls walked into Nando's, I slipped the paper into one of the bags


I walked into the house with Scarlet following behind, we quietly walked upstairs to the guest room. We hid the dresses in Scarlet's closet because we knew the guys will try to look if we keep them in Simon's room, I grabbed the drawing that I was given before going downstairs where the guys were sat in the kitchen

"Hey, how was shopping?" Simon asked, I walked over to him

"It was fun" I replied

"Did you guys buy anything?" Josh asked

"We bought some dresses and shoes" Scarlet said and hopped onto the counter

"Did you eat?" JJ asked

"Nando's" Me and Scarlet replied at the same

"How was shopping for you guys?" I asked

"We bought suits, how do you think it went?" Vik asked

"Sorry I was just asking" I said

"He's tired from shopping and turned into a diva" JJ said

"Go get some sleep then" I said

"Can't, I'm hungry and waiting for takeaway" Vik replied

"What did you order?" Scarlet asked

"Indian" Josh replied (I'm craving for some Indian right now)

"Oh, by the way a fan gave me this" I said and placed the drawing on the island

"That's actually amazing" Simon said

"I know, it's done by a 10 years old" I said

"Seriously? My drawing isn't even that good" Josh said

"I know, I've seen 'Draw My Thing' videos" I said and grabbed a bottle of water just then the doorbell rang

"FOOD" Vik shouted and ran to the door

"He is really hungry" I said

"Yep" the all replied...



I really don't know how to write this chapter without giving away too much



Tamiii x

Arranged Marriage To My Bully! (Miniminter FF) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now