Well I'll be damned

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Light shown through the curtains on to a hospital bed and there layed a sleeping girl. The rays of sun gently touched your (s/c) skin and perfectly framed your face. In the corner, sat a tall white-haired man. In his mouth was a cigarette slightly lit, emitting a light amount of smoke.

Rays touched the man, causing him to stir awake. With a groan, he opened his eyes looking around the room, eyes landing on you. Looking straight at him was you. It was a comfortable silence before he finally spoke, "You're finally wake." You hummed in response, looking around the room.

The man caught on to her confusion, "You were found by one of my men on the floor passed out." You returned your attention on to him. "Careful next time, you're lucky my men found you instead of some pirates or creeps."

You nodded your head in acknowledgement, "Thank you for taking care of me, but may I say where am I and pirates?" The man narrowed his eyes, "You're in Lodgetown and surly you know what pirates are."

You shook your head, not ever hearing about pirates in the city and where was this place, Lodgetown? There could only be three options as to where that portal took you.

1. You're in a different part of the world
2. You died and this is some weird heaven
3. Your in a completely different universe

Seems pretty stupid right, but a mystery portal engulfed you. So it seems to make sense to you.

"No , I've never heard of pirates before." You saw how the man in-front of you narrowed his eyes even more, "mind telling me more." You asked but it sounded more like a demand than a question.

"Pirates are nasty people who sail the seas for power, money, and terrorize innocent people." The man explained, "That's why Marines, such as me, take them down though here are seven pirates. Known as the Seven warlords, who work for the government. There are also bounty hunters who also take down pirates and turn them in for money."

You nodded your head at the information. This definitely didn't sound like your world and heaven isn't that crazy so the only option was that this was a whole different universe.

"Ah yes, thanks for that." You got out of the bed, swinging your legs over, standing yourself up. From there, you walked towards the door, "Don't in into trouble girl-" "(y/n)"

The man looked at you, "call me (y/n)" "Then I'm Smoker and as I was saying don't get into trouble." You hummed, opening the door, walking out as the man sighed.

The gir- (y/n), was suspicious, but he decided to leave it alone for now.


You walked out of what you guessed was to be marine base. Around you was town filled with stores, homes, and stalls. You began to walk forward searching for the dock. If pirates existed here then there would be islands.

You kept walking and from saw large ships with the word Marine on the sails. You obviously didn't have any of this world's money so you can't get a boat. But you could try something new you've always anted to do.

You stepped a few steps back and got in a running stance. In a blink of and eye, you were gone. But behind you, you left waves of water.

Off you went in search for some pirates to hunt

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Off you went in search for some pirates to hunt. Might as well make money while your here, so your best option would to become a bounty hunter.

just a heads up, you were 16 when you came to this world and now you're 18

Over the 2 years that you've been here and you've made quite a name for yourself. One punch woman. Most pirates that see you don't believe in the rumors until you show them. When it comes to your punches people think your a monster, but you don't care. Their opinions don't matter.

On your journey you've meet one of the warlords that Smoker was talking about and he was with some red-haired dude. The warlord was very comfortable to be around and his friend was entertaining to watch.

You meet this guy who was known as Fire fist Spade or something like that. He's the one you about devil fruits in this world and how if one were to eat a fruit you would gain some sort of super power, but in exchange you wouldn't be able to swim. Such a pity.

Now I know what your thinking. You're a bounty hunter friends with pirates. So what, it's not like it's anyone else's business. You also had a lot of money from your hunts as you like to call them, so it was easy to live. On one of your hunts, you meet a boy, just a year younger than you. He told you he was going to become the Pirate King. Ofc, he told you how he ate a devil fruit called the Gum-Gum fruit. To you the name makes sense.

You were interested in the boys' journey so you asked to tag along with him and he was ecstatic about you wanting to be part of his crew. You shot the idea down and explained that you were only here to watch his adventure and maybe in the future you would join.

So now that you were traveling with him, how did he come up with the idea to recruit a moss head on his pirate crew?

932 words

A pirate with one punchWhere stories live. Discover now