Let's crash this party

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Zoro hummed in response and a comfortable silence fell over the two of you. You took a bite of your banana and smiled causing Zoro to look your way.

"What." He arrogantly asked.

"So you do have a soft spot." You chuckled, causing Zoro's cheeks to get pink.



The sun shone high in the sky, letting its hot rays skim your skin in the crucifixion yard. Your eyes laid close, but you weren't asleep unlike the man tied up right next to you.

A startled gasp made you open your eyes letting them trail to Zoro then to Luffy, who was back from earlier.

"You again? Don't you have things to do?" Zoro irked.

"I'll untie you, but only if you promise to join my crew."

"Your what?!"

"I run a pirate crew and I'm looking for people to join up." Luffy came forward.

"No way! I'd never stoop to joining up with a criminal. Screw that business." Zoro looked to the side.

As the two were talking, you closed your eyes and tuned them out, minding your own business.

You heard some parts of the conversation like people thinking Zoro is an evil hunter and him not caring. He only wants to accomplish his dream. But Luffy already decided Zoro was going to join anyway. You also heard Luffy planning on getting Zoro's swords.

"Wait, he's actually going to be busting in there alone?" Zoro muttered.

"Luffy," You called out to the boy and without opening your eyes you pointed in the direction of the base, "That way."

"Gum-Gum Rocket!" Luffy zoomed past the two of you with his arms stretched out.

"W-what the hell is this guy?" Zoro's astonished look turned to you, "You're traveling with him?!"

You shrugged your shoulders, "He's entertaining to be around."

The sound of footsteps could be heard and you opened your eyes to see Coby running across the yard. He then quickly started to try and untie Zoro.

"You have to get outta here, Zoro."

"That maniac is going to kill you for what you're doing right now." Zoro reasoned.

"I can't watch the Marines behave like this anymore. A true Marine should be honorable."

"Look kid, I can't leave. I have ten days left and then they're-"

Coby cut him off, "Well not quite, they're gonna execute you tomorrow."

"What?!" Zoro looked at you, but you were already looking at him with a raised eyebrow. You were right.

"Helmeppo never intended to honor your agreement. He planned on killing you from the very beginning." Cody explained, "Which made Luffy really angry so he just knocked him out."

Zoro in disbelief, "He did?"

Blah blah blah, the Marines were after Luffy and Coby begged Zoro to help Luffy.



"A-and (y/n) are the only ones who can save you and you're the only one who can save him from a very similar fate." Coby's hands fiddled with the rope before Marine pointed their guns at you guys.

"End of the line!"

Your eyes narrowed at a tall man with a muscular build and an axe for a hand. "For the crime of treason against me, I sentence you three to die where you stand."

This guy's probably the axe-handed Captain people are so afraid of.

Coby started crying and froze where he stood as Zoro had an uneasy look on his face. "You've been pulling some interesting moves around here. What is this, some kind of poorly executed coup you two planned with the StrawHat?!"

"I've always fought alone like a real man does. Not like a coward who hides his wall of expendable soldiers." Zoro shouted.

"Roronoa Zoro. Don't you dare underestimate me. You may be a strong fighter, but under my authority, you're just a rat we throw out with the trash!" Morgan ordered, "TAKE AIM!"

Guns were readied and pointed in your direction.

"Heh, stupid Marine," You yawned.


"Now now, is that any way to treat guests at this fabulous party?"

Marines gasped at the sight of you in front of the other two with no injuries. On the floor beneath you, lay dented bullets.

"T-the bullets didn't go through her!"

"How did she move that fast!"

Marines made absurd comments about you while you looked behind you, seeing Coby and Zoro with shocked faces.

"You guy's good?" But before they could say anything someone shouted.

"Who are you?!" Diverting your attention back to the group of Marines in front of you.

"Who, me?" You simply pointed at yourself, "I'm Saitama (y/n) and I'm just a hero for fun."

776 words

A pirate with one punchWhere stories live. Discover now