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Most of the guests made their way to their cabins. Liz invited Ali and I to stay at the main house a bit longer to hang out with the 2 families.

Ali, Liz and I sat on the huge island nibbling on the BBQ chicken and sides. Liz's and Robert's moms were making coffees.

"So girls, any potential guys that caught your attentions?" Liz asked looking at Ali.

Ali took a bite of a piece of cheese cake, "well actually. There's a hot gentleman, he says his Robert's friend since high school."

Liz's eyes widen and she leans in, " is his name Jackson?"

"Yeah." Ali said smiling.

Liz smiled and tapped Ali on the hand, " good choice. He's an Occupational Therapist for athletics and is divorced. He has a 15 year old daughter soooo, he's sweet but she's daddy's little girl. She goes to a private school" Liz smiled a Ali, " but I heard that he isn't looking for a long term relationship but a 'friend'"

Ali's eye widened, "I can be a best friend."

Liz moves back, "that's what I heard, but spend time with him and see." Liz looked at me, " what about you. Any hot suitors?"

I pinched a piece of BBQ chicken into my mouth, " No not really."

Ali chocked on her pop, " what did you say." She said looking at me, "Jordan's been all over her like and wet shirt."

"Stop it Ali!" I whispered glaring at her.

Liz stared at me with a smile, "so are you the lucky lady that Jordan tells Robert about?"

My eyes popped, "me?"

Liz smiled.

"I told you he wants you." Ali said with excitement.

"Shhh" I said to Ali.

"Listen," Liz started, "Jordan is sweet and kind. He divorced his wife about 8 months ago. He often comes up here since." Liz looked at both of us, " I'm far from match making but you came for my wedding, and I'm so happy you both came but what you choose to do with the men you meet is on you. Don't blame me."

Ali looked at Liz, "don't worry Lizzy boo, we won't blame you."

I said nothing, but I understood Liz. Jordan's life is in the states and mine is here in Canada. That alone merits a long distance relationship, and I don't know if I could handle that. But Jordan might be telling Robert about me so that must mean something. Doesn't it?

"Am I disturbing you?" I heard a voice whispered in my ear. The warmth of his breath and the touch of his lips on my ear made me heat up with desire.

I turned slightly towards the voice, "not at all."

I felt his body lean up against my back and I leaned my body into his.

"Jordan, tell the ladies some of the crazy shit that some of the fans do to get in your pants."  Robert announced.

Well that cut this physical connection like a knife.

"No man. First of all my parents are here and second and more importantly I don't think the ladies here want to hear those kind of stories." Jordan answered behind me.

I felt his hand rub my back. It sent shivers down my back. It's so hard to not fall in love with him. I mean not for who he is but the attention he gives me. It's gravitating... and addicting.

I got up, "sorry, I need to use the washroom." I said walking by Jordan making no eye contact.

I walked out of the kitchen and out the front door. I walked around the porch to the side of the house where it was darker and less people.

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