sequel to "Westside" read that first!
Dylan Jessica Caldwell is a 17 year old gang leader. But she has a secret. Her mental health is not good. No matter what she looks like on the outside, she's always having an internal battle with herself.
I put my girl in red sweats, since she kept going into coughing fits. Then I gave her a hairbrush and while I put her shoes on, she smoothed her long hair.
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I hold her hand and we quietly walk to my car.
My fancy ass car she bought me when she was in Italy. But it only came a few weeks ago because apparently she had to add a few "special touches" whatever the hell that means.
"Whatchu in the mood for baby?" I ask as I start driving, my hand on her thigh as usual.
"Hey Siri," she says into her phone. "What Mexican food places are open near me?" We listen to Siri for a moment.
"San Miguel Market is open," I suggest when Siri is unhelpful. Dylan nods excitedly. I know that's her favorite burrito place. "Usual?"
"Actually can I have a plain bean, rice, and cheese burrito?" She asks. I nod and run inside.
"Hola," I nod at the worker. "¿Me puedes dar un burrito de frijoles, arroz y queso? ¿Y luego un burrito de carne asada?"
[Hi. Can I have a bean, rice, and cheese burrito? And then a carne asada burrito?]
"Sí. Eso serán $10.50," he holds out a hand and I put $20 dollars. He gives me $9.50 back and I put it in the tip jar. 10 minutes later, I'm back in the car.
"Your food, madam," I hand Dylan her burrito and she claps her hands like a little kid.
Love of my life
"Thank you love," she beams at me. "Dude their burritos are the BEST in the world." I laugh at her and kiss her cheek.
"I love you," I chuckle.
"I'm never gonna used to that," she sighs. "Oh and I love you too."
We continue laughing and eating our food.
"We really need to fix our sleep schedules," she comments as we walk into the Rite Aid that's open 24/7. "Okay I need—" She starts coughing and I pull her into my chest.
"I can't believe Dylan Caldwell is sick," I chuckle as she searches for sick medicine. "I never thought I'd see this."
She smacks me. "Shut up Ryder I'm not sick."
"Tell that to your voice babygirl," I smirk at her red cheeks. She buys her cough drops and vapo rub and we drive back home.
"Wait," she looks out the window. "Turn around please please?"
I make the turn and pull into a lot. "Another tattoo? Really?"
She shrugs. "I missed my appointment on my birthday. I was at the—never mind. I'll be quick." She runs in and I follow. If she's getting a new one, I'll get one too.
An hour later, we're both in the car again. We decided to do a reveal in a few days.
"Jesus christ, Dylan you're burning up again we gotta get home." I grab her hand and absolutely floor it back to her place. I carry her up to bed and put her in one of my shirts from the drawer she has full of them.
"Ryder," she coughs.
"Yes baby?" I play with her hair as she snuggles closer to me.
"Thank you for staying with me for the last two years," she mumbles. "You keep me grounded and I don't know what I'd do without you now."
I kiss her forehead. "Sleep my love."
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super short chapter it's js a filler for the next one
btw next one is a time skip AGAIN of one month and two weeks