sequel to "Westside" read that first!
Dylan Jessica Caldwell is a 17 year old gang leader. But she has a secret. Her mental health is not good. No matter what she looks like on the outside, she's always having an internal battle with herself.
I'm now 16 weeks pregnant and the cravings have definitely gotten interesting. The other day, I wanted a fucking pickle and whipped cream.
Though that's something I'd probably try even if I wasn't growing a human in me. Shawn and Ryder have started recording some of the foods I eat, so when my hormones aren't out of wack I can try it. Danny has started eating the foods I eat and he says some of them are actually not bad.
Yet another reason why he's my favorite brother. But also, he's made this pregnancy fun. It's been pretty boring the last few weeks, with the exception of week 9 and 10 when I was basically living in the bathroom because I was throwing up constantly. A few doctor check ups, we started discussing baby names, and starting to clean to get that room ready.
I walk into my parents room and flop on their bed. "Momma we're out of ice cream," I whine, my voice muffled by the comforter.
"Tell that to your baby daddy girl," she looks at me. "Your father is taking me out to lunch."
I groan and walk to the backyard. "Dude where is this fool?" I mutter under my breath. I search the entire house for Ryder and he's no where.
"Dyl you okay?" My brothers come into the room.
"I want ice cream but we have none and Dad is taking Mom to lunch and I don't know where Ryder is and I just want ice cream," my eyes fill with tears for some reason and Luke starts laughing.
"Come on sis," he laughs. "We'll take you for ice cream. Let's roll boys." We walk out to Shawn's car and they tell me to get in the passenger seat. I oblige, mainly because I just want some damn ice cream.
"What kind of ice cream do you want Dylan?" Shawn asks as he pulls into a drive thru.
"Can I have vanilla please?" I ask softly. "Thanks Shawnie."
"Sure thing sorella. Can I have 2 swirls, a vanilla, and 2 chocolate cones please? Oh and a large strawberry milkshake thanks," he says into the little box thingy. I smile to myself as he hands me my ice cream.
"Thank you," I lean over and kiss his cheek.
"This milkshake is for us all to share," he looks at all of us and puts two straws in it. "Dylan, that's your straw. This one is ours."
"We could've just shared a straw," Dante rolls his eyes and Luke smacks him.
"We don't want to risk getting the baby or Dylan sick with our germs you dumb fuck," he smacks Dante again.
"Ow stop abusing me!" He cries.
"Stop being an idiot!" Luke counters.
"You're the idiot Luke!"
"No I'm not you're actually stupid Dante!"
"I am not-"
"Los dos bajan la tubería!" Shawn exclaims.
[both of you pipe down]
"¡Shawn me golpeó!"
[Shawn he hit me!]
"Dante, deja de lloriquear y cómete tu maldito helado," I interject.
[Dante stop whining and eat your damn ice cream]
"Oh, ya veo cómo es. Shawn te compró un helado y ahora estás de su lado, ¿eh?" Dante pretends to be upset.
[Oh I see how it is. Shawn bought you ice cream and now you're taking his side eh?]
"¡No es porque le haya comprado el helado Dante! ¡Dios, eres un idiota!" Danny cries.
[It's not because he bought her ice cream Dante! God you're an idiot!]
"Simplemente no queremos arriesgarnos a enfermar al bebé antes de que tenga la oportunidad de nacer," Luke explains again.
[We just don't want to risk getting the baby sick before it has a chance to be born]
"Pero, ¿cómo puede compartir una pajita enfermarlos?" Dante asks again and Luke throws his hand up in exasperation.
[But how can sharing a straw make them sick?]
"Me doy por vencido con este niño. Dylan, explícalo, por favor," he grumbles.
[I give up on this child. Dylan, you explain it please]
"Dante," I begin as we step out of the car. "Si alguno de ustedes tiene gérmenes desconocidos, y yo tengo esos gérmenes, podría hacer que este embarazo sea muy difícil. O incluso peligroso. Así que al guardar mi pajita para mí, me aseguro de que mi bebé se mantenga sano," I explain rapidly as we put our stuff down on the dining table.
[If one of you has unknown germs, and I get those germs, it could make this pregnancy very difficult. Or even dangerous. So by keeping my straw to myself, I'm making sure my baby stays healthy]
"Vale, lo entiendo, pero al usar varias pajitas estamos matando más tortugas," he smiles slyly.
[Okay I understand that, but by using multiple straws we're killing more turtles]
I pinch the bridge of my nose and go to my parents in the living room. "MAMÁ TRATA CON TU HIJO, ESTÁ SIENDO MOLESTO Y DELIBERADAMENTE OBTUSO Y YA NO PUEDO MANEJARLO, MI PACIENCIA HA EXPIRADO!" I yell.
I walk up to my room, still eating my ice cream, and turn my tv on. As I'm watching YouTube, I feel something in my stomach and I sit upright.
I put a hand on my belly and wait a few minutes.
"Oh my god," I whisper in disbelief. I grab my phone and call my boyfriend.
"Hey princess are you and our baby okay?"
"Ryder the baby is moving," I practically squeal. I hear something clatter to the ground.
"I'M ON MY WAY GIMME 10 MINUTES!" We hang up and I giggle as I feel the baby kicking.
"WHERE'S DYLAN?" I hear Ryder shout. Then thudding footsteps up the stairs and my boyfriend appears at my side.
"Come feel," I laugh breathily. He puts a tentative hand on my stomach and then his face lights up.
"Th-that's the baby!" He exclaims! I nod. "Oh my god!" He hugs me tightly and puts our foreheads together as we just feel the baby kick.
I giggle when one tickles and he smiles.
"I love you," I tell him.
He kisses me passionately.
"I love you more ma."
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