Chapter 11 - I'm late

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Dylan - 1 month, 2 weeks later

I'm late.

It's been two months since the last time Ryder and I had sex. We used a condom, but...

My period is late.

"Ryder," I call from my room. I'm sitting criss cross on my bed. "Ryder can you come here?"

He comes in and closes the door. "Princess are you okay?"

"I uhh," I nervously scratch my arm. "I don't know. I'm late."

"Late for what I'll drive and get you there."

I shake my head and take his hands in mine as he kneels in front of me.

"Ryder," I look him in the eyes. "I'm. Late."

His eyes widen. "Y-You You can't be. We were careful, right? Yeah, we were so careful. Did you take a test?"

I shake my head. "My mom is gonna take me to buy me one right now. I'll tell you as soon as I know, okay? I love you, so much." I kiss him and stand up.

I walk downstairs to my mom and she smiles at me as she drives to the drug store. I walk in with her and buy three...tests.

If I say it, it becomes real and I cannot be...yeah

We drive home in silence, until she parks her car.

"Dylan, honey I'm not angry. I'm here to help with whatever happens. I love you darling." I hug her and walk up to my room. Ryder is sitting on my bed and I motion for him to wait a little.

• • •

"Oh my god." I slide onto the floor and stare at the wall.

I'm pregnant.

"Well?" Ryder comes into the room. I point to the three positive pregnancy tests. "A-Are you serious?" He breathes. I nod.

"I'm pregnant."

He bear hugs me and I feel his tears in my neck.

"We're gonna be parents," he whispers. "Holy shit I'm gonna be a dad!" He lets a few more tears fall and then we go downstairs.

"Well?" My mom, Maddy, and Bri come over. I nod and they start squealing and jumping around.

"Now hold on," I say as I lean into Ryder. "Why are y'all supporting my teen pregnancy? I'm only 18 people."

They shrug and immediately start talking baby names. I get in Ryder's car after he calls the hospital and we get led into a room.

"So, are you Dylan?" The doctor asks my boyfriend.

"No, I'm Ryder," he laughs. "This is Dylan." He kisses my forehead.

"Ah, so you're baby daddy?" She looks him up and down.

"Yeah," he laughs again. "Guess so." He leans an arm on the bed and watches the screen.

"Okay this is gonna be cold," she says as she applies some goo on my stomach.

"Goddamn that's cold!" I yelp and grab Ryder's hand. "W-wait. Is that..."

She nods. "That's your baby. About two months along is my estimate."

"When can we know the gender?" Ryder asks.

"At four to five months." We nod and she gives us the images of our teeny tiny baby. Then I get dressed back into my sweats and we leave after getting general information.

The ride home is silent, just like with my mom. We walk into the house and I put a sonogram picture on my fridge. Then I put one on my mirror in my room.

"Ryder what if I can't do this?" I suddenly blurt.

"What do you mean princess?"

I turn to face him. "I'm gonna be a terrible mom," I choke out. "I-I'm too young, I was raised in an abusive household, I'm in a freakin gang, and I can't do this!" I sob. He takes me in his arms.

"Hey hey hey," he soothes. "I'm here, Dylan. If you don't want this pregnancy, that's okay! Will I be bummed? Probably. But it's your body. If you think we should wait, then let's wait. I just know that you're the person I want a family with for the rest of my life." He kisses me and I laugh embarrassed.

Then I nod and laugh again through my tears.

"Yeah let's start a family." His face lights up and he kisses me hungrily. I giggle and he just hugs me.

"Let's get some food in you," he kisses me again. I walk down with him where Mom and Dad just made sandwiches. I sit down and pick up a peanut butter and jelly. Then I put some chips and broccoli on my plate while everyone else starts eating.

"So Dylan," Danny starts. "You're obviously gonna name baby Caldwell after me right?"

I laugh. "I just found out today, brother. We haven't thought that far yet."

"You haven't," Ryder smirks and opens a note on his phone. "I have." I scroll through and see baby names, for boys and girls and gender neutral and middle names. I look at him.

"How long have you had this on your phone?"

"You want the honest answer or the bent truth answer?"


"Bent truth answer, I've had that since you were Chicago."


"Day you pranked me."

I bury my face in his shoulder and try to hide the redness of my face. He buries his face in my neck and we both start laughing at our stupidity.

"So do you guys think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Shawn asks gruffly. Just then, Axel, Maddy, Reggie, and Charlie walk through the front door and I grin.

"Let's make it interesting," I giggle. "Who thinks it's gonna be a boy?"

"What's gonna be a boy?"

"Ax, she's pregnant," Ryder exclaims, barely containing his excitement.

"There's gonna be an Axel Junior?" He asks in awe. I start laughing.

"Okay so that's 7 people who think it's gonna be a boy. The rest of you think girl?" They nod and I look at my boyfriend. "Boy or girl?"

"I'm thinking baby girl," he kisses the side of my head. "What about you princess?" I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Baby girl." I write it down. "Okay. If you guys are right, we will give each of you $50. If we're right, you give each of us $50." We all shake on it, except I don't make my parents join this bet.

Ryder and I walk upstairs and I go into his room and start putting his stuff in boxes.

"What-what are you doing?" He laughs nervously and pulls me away.

"I'm moving your stuff to my room so our child can have this room," I look at him curiously and start moving his stuff. Soon everyone helps and the process goes much smoother.

"Y'know what we should do in here?" I say as I look around my room. "We should use the empty space above our bed as a giant picture collage. How cool would that be??"

He kisses me lightly. "Wonderful darling. But come on, let's have a hangout day with everyone. Hell, let's go to the movies."


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