Chapter 12 - Remember to always wear sunscreen

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Dylan - the next day

We're driving to the beach right now. My parents wanted to have a little date day for themselves, so us kids (including those that are always at my house that Mom did not give birth to) are going to the beach.

Even though everyone else woke up at like noon.

"I've only been to the beach once," I explain as we walk on the warm sand. "Oh my god it's beautiful today." We lay our stuff in two fitted sheets that we prop up. I saw it on YouTube and wanted to try it.

"Come on let's go in the water!" Reggie squeals. I take off the shirt and shorts I had on and put a bit of sunblock on.

"So," Maddy giggles as I help her out sunscreen on. "How far along are you?"

"Two months," I say with a smile.

"I'm so happy for you Dylan," Bri hugs me tightly. "We're all here to help." The three of us start walking down the the water.

"Ryder is gonna be so much more protective," I suddenly realize. "Oh lord I'm gonna basically have a bodyguard 24/7."

Maddy puts an arm around me. "Darling, all of us just became more protective." Bri nods in agreement and we laugh as a wave comes at us and washes our legs in cold salt water.

"HOLY SHIT THIS IS COLD!" I squeal and I hear Shawn laugh at me. "Shawn, fuck off this is actually cold you're just not human." I turn my head away as I jump over a wave.

"DIVE UNDER!" Jake yells. I look at Ryder whose eyes just got big. I do a two finger salute and do a dolphin dive under a wave.

"Holy crap," I shiver slightly. "If I wasn't awake before, I am now." We start swimming to the group and I tread water since I can't touch anymore.

"Princess you okay?" Ryder smirks.

"I'm fine," I smile. "I'm used to the water now." He chuckles and puts me on his back, since he can still touch the bottom. Jerk.

"Guys look!" Reggie points. "There's a cave over there!" We all start swimming over to the rocks, me and Axel in the lead.

"So my boy knocked you up?" He asks as we swim.

"Yup," I laugh.

"Do you wanna get married?"

I think for a moment. "At some point, yes. But we're only eighteen. We have plenty of time before marriage, you know?" He nods understanding and we pull ourselves up into the cave. "How about you and Maddy? You guys have gotten real close Ax."

His face turns crimson. "Yeah, I like her. I just don't wanna screw up, y'know?"

I pat his shoulder and laugh. "Here's a tip. If you ask her out, she definitely won't say no."

Just then everyone else comes in and we sit down.

"This is so cool," Luke breathes. "I wonder how long it's been here."

"Long time I'm guessing," Jake stands next to him as they examine the walls. "Seems pretty old."

"Can this be our new hangout?" Charlie begs. We all start laughing. Ryder comes over to where I'm leaning against the wall and puts a hand on my stomach.

"How's our little girl?"

"The baby is fine Ry," I lightly giggle. "But we don't know if it's a girl it's too early."

"It's gonna be a girl I can feel it," he smiles smugly. I roll my eyes at his antics.

But I can feel it too.

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