❦︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 18 ❦︎

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after changing into atsumu's 'stolen' clothing, y/n left the locker room to make her way back into the main part of the gymnasium

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after changing into atsumu's 'stolen' clothing, y/n left the locker room to make her way back into the main part of the gymnasium. she was met with the members of the volleyball team; cleaning,  whilst also shivering as the cold temperature of the ice water still remained on themselves.  

"why havent you changed yet tsumu? are you gonna stay in wet clothing?"

"i know i might sound crazy right now but, i don't have a fucking clue...as to where my clothes are."

"what.." kita replied, staring at the blonde with eyes of disappointment and confusion. "i'm serious kita! i remember packing it in my bag this morning, you can even ask y/n-" he interrupted his own sentence when y/n's figure caught his attention. "y/n where did you get those clothes?" atsumu asked.

"your gym bag, why?"

"hmmm, i don't know. maybe because I'm FREEZING my ass off right now and i don't have clothes to change into and mine are still soaked?" y/n noticed how her usual sarcasm was now making its way into atsumu's own tone and usage of words but she only shrugged it off. "it's the least you can let slide after dragging me in the fucking water."


osamu's figure appeared behind the yelling twin as he handed him a change of clothing. "here" he said, feeling relief when atsumu's annoyed mood quickly turning into more of a thankful one. "where did you get these?" the blonde questioned his brother. "i keep extra in my locker" osamu shrugged.

y/n was glad that the little situation was dealt with which gave her a chance to finally check her phone. 

4:00 pm

earlier before y/n left for school, her mom insisted that she'd pick up her siblings from school as she was on her way back home and since that time had arrived already, she decided she'd head out to do so.  she opened the gym doors that led outside, only to see suna leaning against the wall as he was infatuated with the screen of his phone. 

she shrugged as he didn't acknowledge the fact that she was practically right in front of him and decided to pick up a small pebble that was near her shoes, on the ground. "are you gonna throw that at me?" she heard suna's voice as her fingers made contact with the tiny stone. 

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | r.sunaWhere stories live. Discover now