❦︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 43 ❦︎

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before she could react to the sudden call of her name, the weight of kuroo collided with her half-asleep figure. she let out a groan, pushing kuroo's body off of hers own as it was followed with a big boom to the floor of kenma's bedroom. y/n sat up, rubbing her eye's as kuroo rolled around on the floor, holding the palm of his left hand against his lower back. 

"i-i think you broke me spine.."

"it's your fault for jumping on me like im a fucking bouncy house" she groaned, looking up to take in her surroundings. suna was no longer next to her, the sun was beaming though the slightly tilted blinds, and kuroo was struggling to stand up, making y/n sigh. she got out of bed, giving kuroo a helping hand as he finally got to his feet. y/n gave him a proper hug, briefly apologizing for earlier occurrences.

"i was just happy to see you" he frowned but soon laughed when y/n smiled at him. ever since y/n transferred to inarazaki, she hadn't seen her friends from nekoma since their last game. same goes for her friends at fukorodani's so, she was excited for their plans for later today. "me too." she finally replied. 

"so where is everyone?" y/n asked, reaching for the blanket on kenma's bed before wrapping the soft fabric around herself. suna's hoodie was in-fact warm, but today was especially chilly. "in the kitchen. bokuto and akaashi are meeting up with us at the trampoline park later." he informed, slugging an arm around y/n shoulder as they walked down the hallway. "I'm gonna freshen up really quick. I'll be out in a sec" she informed, swiftly entering the bathroom when kuroo nodded in agreement. 

he walked back to the kitchen, seeing that osamu and suna were somewhat prepping breakfast for everyone. by somewhat, kuroo saw that osamu was busy cooking while suna was stealing bits of food whenever the grey haired twin would turn his back for a slight second. osamu and kenma on the other hand, were busy trying to beat each others high scores from their previous game last night. 

"is she up?" kuroo looked over at suna, his gruff voice catching his attention. kuroo nodded with a smile at suna's poorly-hidden concern for his 'friend.' "she'll me out in a bit" he yawned, suddenly distracted by the scent emitting from the kitchen. he followed the pleasant aroma while suna just decided to take a seat on the couch next to atsumu and kenma.

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | r.sunaWhere stories live. Discover now