❦︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 40 ❦︎

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after leaving the vending machine for a snack and entering the classroom, y/n saw both suna and hikari conversing with the teacher

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after leaving the vending machine for a snack and entering the classroom, y/n saw both suna and hikari conversing with the teacher. suna had a serious look on his features and hikari seems as if she was on the brink of tears. y/n gave both osamu and atsumu their own small bag of snacks since they didn't have time to get any food in their system due to their morning rush. 

she got to her seat and suna soon walked up next to her and took his own seat. y/n glanced over at him with a bit of confusion but that feeling almost skyrocketed when hikari had visible tears streaming down her face. "uh..suna?" y/n questioned. "hm?" his usual hum was heard and y/n was hesitant but eventually mustered up the courage to voice her words. "what did you do to-" 

"y/n can you come up here for a sec?" she was interrupted by the teacher and she almost immediately stood up and appeached her desk. "yes?" she asked, attentive to her every move. "hikari just informed me of some news about you guy's project?" she began. y/n nodded and she continued. "she confessed to plagiarizing and purposely getting you guys a bad grade on the project..is that true?" 

y/n's eyes widened. "y/n?" she called once more. y/n nodded and mumbled a small "yes". before hearing her teacher let out a sigh. "if that was the case then i can regrade your side of the project as a standalone. it wont be full credit but it will be better than a zero" she said, writing down a few notes as she did so. "wait, you're serious?" her teacher nodded and y/n smiled widely. "you should thank suna. he convinced hikari to tell me the truth".

y/n turned around to see that suna was looking over at her direction. he immediately looked away when y/n caught his gaze, making him feel a slight embarrassment. y/n walked back over to her seat before sitting down. "dude, i could make out with you right now. thank you so much. also, did you threaten hikari with death or some shit, how did you get her to confess, and when did you think of this. is this some kinda trick?" questions after questions escaped past y/n's lips but suna still couldn't get over the first sentence. 

"what did you say?" suna questioned, referring to her previous words. "when?" y/n pretended to be clueless and suna noticed this after she let a light laugh. "you're annoying" he mumbled before putting pulling a pair of earbuds from his pocket and placing them in his ear. "wow, so you're tuning me out now?" y/n said with a exaggerated tone of betrayal. either suna didn't bother to reply or he was already doing what y/n questioned, making her roll her eye's as she finished off the remaining portion of her snack, still sharing it with suna despite is cruel actions.


"hey. miya's!" y/n called as the twins were leaving the gym along with suna. she was waiting outside since they agreed to meet with her once they finished changing back into their normal attire. their afternoon practice was over and they all decided that later that night, they would be heading over to visit a few of their friends like planned. "hey, n/n" atsumu smiled after seeing her figure. he walked up to her before engulfing her into a hug.

"I'm gonna pack my things when i get home and hang out with the twins for a little bit. gonna spend as much time with them as i can till we leave" she slightly smiled as they began walking in the direction of their neighborhood. "okay, samu and i are gonna pack too" he said, thinking to himself for a small second. "are you gonna ask me to pack your bag AGAIN?" osamu questioned his brother when a grin grew onto the blonde's face.

"you're not a toddler. you need to do that on your own" he rolled his eyes. atsumu leaned down next to y/n's ear before whispering. "he's gonna pack my back for me. i can bet on it"

"the fuck are you whispering about?" osamu groaned, sending a glare in the directing of his brother and his sneaky actions. "nothing". there was a silence between the four and it was soon broken when osamu spoke. "sunarin, you okay?" he asked, noticing how the middle blocker hasn't spoken ever since they left the gym. "yeah rin, you havent said shit. even during practice you were hardly talking" atsumu looked at the figure next to him trying to read his emotion.

he nods, still not using his voice to speak. "you need to stop keeping shit up here. you're gonna eventually drive yourself to insanity" atsumu mumbled, walking over to suna and swinging an arm around his shoulder as he knocked on the top of his head. "what's on your mind?" this time atsumu's words were quieter, less intimidating, and more free. it was his way of getting suna to open up. osamu and y/n decided to leave the two to talk so instead, they had their own conversation. 

"did i tell you what happened today, samu?" y/n asked the boy walking next to her. he shook his head and y/n gave him a paper with all of her grades. "woah, you got your grade up that fast?" he questioned, looking back and forth between the paper and y/n. "noo, hikari confessed to sabotaging the project. i got my points back" she smiled happily while osamu handed her the paper. "really? that's good for you, n/n" he returned her smile before placing a hand on top of her head and sliding his arm around her shoulder. 

"hey n/n, i have a secret that i probably shouldn't tell you" he whispered, pulling her closer to himself. y/n tensed at this, looking over at osamu with a anxious look on her face. "which is?" she asked. "what if I told youuu," he dragged his words out with a cheerful tone. "-that i know what's bothering suna" he smiled before looking back infront of himself. he glanced at atsumu and the spoken of middle blocker to make sure that his words went unheard. "osamu, im not playing riddle me this and riddle me that. just tell me" she rolled her eyes. 

he mumbled something along the words of "feisty" before letting his arm fall from her shoulder. y/n's eyes widened at his actions and next words.  

"it's you. you're driving him nuts"


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(also, the motorcyclist suna x reader is out ;p its called "ride or die")

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | r.sunaWhere stories live. Discover now