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there was a series of knocking at the door

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there was a series of knocking at the door. "nozumi, who's at the door?" kazuya asked his younger sister. the two were the only people in their home that was awake. their mother had already left for work about two hours ago and y/n was still in her room, getting a bit more rest before it was time for her to get ready for another day of school. "i don't know. should we open it?" she questioned. they walked towards the door, reaching for the knob, unlocking it and twisting.

relief came over their bodies when they saw suna and the twins standing there in their school uniform. the twins and the middle blocker had a concern look on their faces, bringing confusion to the two younger figures. "are you guys okay?" kazuya spoke up. "y/n never told us if she'd gotten home safely last night. is she okay?" osamu asked, his shoulders finally relaxing from tension when nozumi nodded. "where is she?" suna spoke up this time. 

"she's still sleeping but she's upset. you shouldn't wake her up" 

kazuya nudged nozumi's shoulder for speaking 'too much'. "oh shit, what happened?" atsumu asked, concern once again making it's was throughout his body. "I'm fine, nozumi." y/n appeared behind the two after seeming to have just woken up. "Y/N, YOU ALMOST GAVE US HEART ATTACKS" atsumu scolded, entering their home to engulf her figure into a hug. "we thought some old guy took you away or something. we were knocking at your door last night after coming home but no one would answer" 

"sorry tsumu" she mumbled as he released her from his secure hold. y/n looked up at the door, catching the eye's of suna's before looking away. "now that we know you're not rotting away in some guy's basement. what's this thing about you being upset?" osamu asked, walking into y/n's home when nozumi and kazuya pulled he and suna's figure inside by their wrists. "I'm not upset". 

"LIES! look how puffy and red her eye's are"  nozumi insisted for the three to believe her. y/n sighed, looking up at them as they examined her features. she slid her palm down her face, trying to get rid of the exhaustion. "we can argue about this later. I gotta get ready for class" y/n said, turning around and making her way up the stairs. suna looked at nozumi, seeing how the younger sister of y/n was visibly concerned. "nozumi, why was y/n upset?" he spoke up, wanting an answer behind her claim.

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | r.sunaWhere stories live. Discover now