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day's passed by pretty quickly and there was a week left for preparation of inarazaki's upcoming game

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day's passed by pretty quickly and there was a week left for preparation of inarazaki's upcoming game. y/n hadn't been able to spend as much time hanging out with her best friends since they were way to busy to take breaks during a time like this. class had just ended and everyone was packing up to leave. "y/n, can you stay behind for a quick second. i have to talk to you about something" the teacher said, making y/n nod.

"are you in trouble?" osamu walked up behind y/n's figure, slightly startling her with his sudden words. "i hope not. i don't know what I'd be in trouble for" she shrugged, turning around to face his figure. "did you tell her that i smuggled drugs in suna's-" y/n stopped her words before smiling when she caught suna's gaze of shock. his jaw was slightly dropped when he was totally oblivious to whatever the hell y/n was about to say. 

"i'm kidding" 

"you guy's shouldn't be late to your practice, lets go. y/n has to speak with the teacher anyways" hikari said, allowing herself into the conversation. "go ahead, y/n" hikari said, taking the wrist of suna and osamu into her hold to drag them away. y/n stared at the two, only snapping out of her daze when atsumu nudged her shoulder with his own. "I'll wait for you outside" he smiled, making y/n nod. "hikari, let go of samu. were gonna wait on y/n." she heard atsumu's voice fade off. 

"fine, i'll just take rin"

everything about that sentence made y/n internally cringe but she decided to ignore it with all of her will power. "have you thought about joining any clubs since you've transferred here, y/n?" the teacher asked, making y/n shake her head. "well, here's a list of clubs that are accepting members incase you wanna join any of them". she handed y/n a piece of paper, smiling when y/n examined it. "i'll think about it" y/n returned the womans smile as she let her know that she jsut wanted to inform y/n about the topic.

"oh, thank you"

"mhm, of course. I'll let you go now. also, do me a favor and let hikari know too." the woman let out a small laugh as both she and y/n exchanged farewells. as soon as y/n exited the classroom, she saw both miya's standing there, along with suna and hikari. "i thought you guy's were going to practice?" she was a bit confused as to why all of them were still standing there at the door, when she was only aware of the miya's awaiting for her. "suna didn't wanna leave us behind" 

"that doesn't explain why she's-"

"ANYWAYS, DID YOU GET IN TROUBLE OR NOT?" atsumu knew that y/n's words were gonna affect a certain someone so he decided that is was better to interrupt his ticking time bomb of a friend. "nope" y/n said, handing the list of clubs to hikari. she took it from her hold with a confusing look. "what's this?" the girl asked, awaiting an answer from y/n. all of them actually, were waiting for an answer from y/n. "a list of clubs that are accepting members. join one if you want" she shrugged. "oh shit, there's a spot open for volleyball manager for the girls and guys team" hikari said excitedly. 

all three boy's eyes darted towards y/n as she read through their pleading eyes. hikari noticed this and it was evident how it ignited a bit of jealousy within herself. "i don't have a reliable schedule. i wont be a good manager for you guys" y/n said, trying to decline their offer in a more gentle way. "really?" osamu frowned with clear disappointment in his tone. "guys, just last week, i had to leave class because of kazu. i cant do it even if i wanted to" 

"i dont have the time for clubs, put your hopes in hikari" 

the boy's awkwardly looked at the girl that was spoken of. she knew absolutely nothing about volleyball and if anything, she's not the type to be responsible for an entire team of teenage boys who have the energy of a spring (excluding suna). "that's a lot of work, i rather do something else". hikari declined the offer too. "yeah good choice. you guys do good without a manager anyways" y/n smiled, feeling hikari's burning gaze. "aww, y/n you're so sweet!" atsumu said in a high pitched voice, placing both hands on y/n's shoulders and jumping behind her as they walked towards the gym. 


y/n and hikari were unfortunately seated next to each other in the gym as they watched the boys practice. y/n had her headphones on as per usual, observing them as her playlist distracted her from anything else. she always focused on the guy's playing techniques, forms, and attitude towards the game, always giving hints of advice whenever she could. she thought to herself, if it weren't for that fact that she was always busy, y/n would've happily taken the roll of being the teams manager but, shit happens and sometimes it just doesn't work out. 

"hey, y/n?" hikari called, not getting y/n's attention since her audible surroundings were being drowned out by her headphones. instead, hikari snapped her fingers infront of y/n's face to get her attention. y/n pulled the device down from her ears as it rested around her nape. "a simple tap could've gotten my attention too. im not a dog" y/n said through a forced but breathy laugh. "you and rintarou have the same ring?" hikari asked, ignoring  y/n's previous comment. 

y/n was confused at first before realizing that the ring was the pendant that hung on the chain of her necklace. "no" she said dryly. "really? i remember that the ring he used to wear was custom made and he never took it off, how do you have am exact replica of it?" she questioned, pressing the matter even more. "because it is suna's. he gave it to me." y/n cleared up the girls confusion and it seemed as if y/n saw the word 'jealousy' appear onto her forehead. "why would he do that?" 

y/n only shrugged before they were interrupted by the coach blowing the whistle for at least the tenth time within that day. hikari was trying to get an answer before members of the team would arrive next to them for their usual break but she failed at the attempt. "y/n, can you pass me my water?" suna asked lazily. y/n unzipped the middle blocker's bag that resided next to her, reaching for the cold water that was tucked neatly in the corner of his bag. he hummed as a way of saying 'thanks', downing a bit of the water, almost immediately. 

y/n nodded before suna took a seat on the lower layer of the bleachers. "suna, can we catch up after your practice? we havent gotten the chance yet" hikari asked the middle blocker. he looked behind himself, shrugging at her question. y/n knew that if suna really didn't want to do something, he'd straight up just say 'no' but this time was different. hikari looked over to y/n annoyed at the fact that she was distracted by the screen of her phone. 

at least, that's what y/n wanted her to think. 


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