❦︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 20 ❦︎

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y/n decided to play some music through her phone as she waited not-so-patiently for suna

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y/n decided to play some music through her phone as she waited not-so-patiently for suna. she focused on the lyrics, tone, note, and rhythm of each song, not noticing or acknowledging the knock that was made on her bedroom door. 

"y/n" suna called, listening for a response but instead, got noting. he hope that he wouldn't walk in on anything and took the risk of just opening her door, himself. this finally alerted y/n and she stared at the boy in shock. "why didn't you knock first?" she questioned, feeling embarrassed when he mumbled a "I did". 


"you look like shit by the way" suna smiled as y/n slid her palm down her face to get rid of her fatigued expression. "do you have to insult and comment on everything?" y/n questioned, watching as suna placed his bag onto her floor. "I'm a very observant individual" he said, standing above y/n's seated figure to look over her shoulder, examining her assignment.

she ignored his immediate comeback, not having the brain compacity to currently exchange snarky comments back and fourth. "hmm, look at you. you're doing everything right. good job" suna mumbled, eyes still focused on the paper. y/n was surprised by what he just said, causing her to look behind herself and tilt her head up to see if suna was messing with her or if he was actually serious.

"you're telling me that I got the right answer?" 

suna finally caught y/n's gaze now that her eyes were in his field of view and he nodded. "did you use the notes I wrote for you?" he questioned. he felt proud of both himself and y/n when she nodded to his words. the two fell quiet as the music that continued to play from y/n's phone ended up being the only thing keeping them both from being in complete silence. suna broke eye contact, realizing their situation before taking a seat on y/n's bed. 

"u-uhm you should finish the rest since you know how to do it already"

y/n let out a small laugh, making suna mumble a "what?", curious of the cause of her laughter. "did you just studder?" she smiled, looking next to her to watch suna roll his eyes from her observation of his speech. "so what?" he asked rhetorically but, y/n being y/n replied to his words. 

"sooo, that makes you a bigger dork than me"


"I'm done, finallyyyy" y/n let out a sigh as she answered the last question. "can you check them for me so i can know if it's correct and stuff?" y/n asked suna who was patiently waiting for her to complete the assignment. "mhm, sure" suna sat up from y/n's bed, motioning for her to make space on her seat at her desk. she did so, rolling her eyes when suna almost shoved her off completely. 

"suna, my bbl is gonna fall off" 

"what the hell, y/n" he stared at her with a concerned expression at her random and unexpected comment. she snorted and suna tried to hide his smile by biting his lip and instead, focus on the paper that was handed to him by y/n. she kept quiet, listening to the music as she waited for suna to finish overlooking her work. after a few hums of approvement, suna mumbled a "good job" before patting the top of y/n's head, as he stood up from the chair. 

letting out a sigh of relief, she finally felt a little bit at ease now that one weight was lifted off her shoulders. now that she didn't have to focus on her homework anymore, the thoughts from earlier resurfaced and immediately began to cloud y/n's mind again. one side of her wanted to just flat out ask suna her questions but the other side of her thought it'd be best to stay curious.

"what are you thinking about now?" suna asked, noticing that she was staring into space. 


"tell me. you look distressed. it'd be better to get whatever off of your chest" 

"suna, did you and hikari date?...ever? or had feelings for each other?" y/n asked blankly. suna was a bit shocked but for some reason, he still had a feeling that this would come up between he and y/n for what ever reason. "we never necessarily dated..." suna's words became quieter, his tone softening, and his fidgeting becoming more apparent. 

y/n was observing it all, she knew the more suna spoke, the more it'd make that nauseating feeling apparent within her gut but she couldn't help but feed into her curiosity...or so she'd like to call it. "she had a crush on me and i was trying to return her feelings but"


suna made eye contact with y/n, noticing her eagerness to hearing his story. he brushed it off before continuing. "it felt like it was being forced. I couldn't tell if I actually liked her in that way or if her own feelings kind of forced me to feel as if I did. till this day, I still don't know which one it was" he watched as y/n spaced out once again. it was something she did often and he began to notice it being a habit of hers. this time, he didn't bother to snap her out of her daze and just wait for her reply. 

"ohhh, well I hope you figure it out now that she's coming back." she mumbled, looking at suna. 

"mhm, but uhm...why do you ask?" this time it was suna who asked a question. "well, since you guys seemed to be close to her before I transferred back to inarazaki, I just wanted to know more about her since were bound to meet each other when she comes back. you know?" 

suna hummed with a nod, understanding y/n's reasoning of curiosity. "another question though" y/n mumbled, getting suna's attention once again. "how come you never denied that you were her boyfriend" y/n laughed, trying to ease up the evident awkward tension that thickened in the atmosphere of her room. "I'm not sure actually"

and with a small silence, y/n heard a knock on her door. "yeah?" she answered, forcing a smile when kazuya and nozumi peaked around the door. "can we watch a movie now n/n? we finished our homework!" the twins smiled. y/n stood up, discarding she and suna's previous conversation to attended to her siblings. 

it was quick but, suna swore he saw y/n wipe her cheek quickly before heading out of her room. 


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