❦︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 36 ❦︎

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"lets split this in two" hikari said to y/n, making the girl quirk an eyebrow in confusion

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"lets split this in two" hikari said to y/n, making the girl quirk an eyebrow in confusion. hikari sighed at this before further explaining her previous words. "you work on half and I work on half" she said, looking at y/n to see if her idea was clearer to her. "um sure..yeah" y/n mumbled. "that'll work" hikari smiled at y/n before focusing back onto her notebook and taking glances at the screen of her laptop to write down notes.

y/n was doing the same and since the library was quiet, it was easy for the two to focus without any major distractions. that was until hikari's phone vibrated against the surface of the table, making the screen illuminate from the newly arrived notification. y/n couldn't help but glance at it. her eyes slightly widening as she noticed that the once familiar wallpaper was no longer there.

hikari shut off her phone as she looked at y/n. she knew y/n saw the changes of her phone, making hikari roll her eyes, a sigh following the action right after. "you know.." she started, making y/n slightly lift her pen from the paper of her notebook. she hummed, eyes still focused on the lined paper. she felt hikari's gaze but couldn't bother to return it since she had an idea of the conversation topic that was about to take place. 

"I havent spoken to rintarou ever since their game"


y/n remembered the shared messages that suna has shown her on the screen of his phone a couple nights ago. "yup. i made a mistake that day, i was blinded by emotion" hikari continued  making y/n now look up at her. "what did you do?" y/n decided to play the oblivious roll in this situation, slightly allowing a face of shock to etch onto her features. "i kissed him"

y/n knew it was coming before she even said it but still, it reminded her of the vivid memory and how she felt in that very moment. for some reason, that feeling was retuning. "we havent contacted each other ever since that day and we ignore each other in class. have you noticed?"

y/n shook her head, the oblivious act long gone. she truly didn't notice how suna and hikari managed to keep distance in the close proximity of their friend group. "I asked him a question that same night and he never responded." hikari mumbled. "what was the question?"

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | r.sunaWhere stories live. Discover now