Chapter 100 - Magic Morphing Pastel*Rangers

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Several months have passed since the events at Live House CiRCLE. During that time, the amount of Negatives that appeared had drastically decreased, though they have not completely stopped appearing. Using the radar that was modified to detect Negative energy as well as Light energy, the suits had been working hard to defeat any Negatives that appear to possess people who had been experiencing Negative emotions before they had the chance to possess them. Adding on top of that, they also went out of their way to help them with their problems, ensuring Negatives would leave them alone. Takako-chan, and everyone in Roselia, Afterglow, and Hello, Happy World! Also did their best to deliver smiles to everyone, also mitigating the amount of Negative possessions that occurred. They were not perfect, though, and every so often, one would successfully possess their target, causing them to transform. When that happened, Aya and the rest of the Pastel*Rangers were called into action.

"Today was another tiring day."

Aya sits in the conference room together with the rest of Pastel*Palettes, having just finished practice at the studio earlier.

"Our schedule is packed tight with work and practice" Maya says.

"It is good to be busy!" Eve says.

"I could keep going all night!" Hina says energetically.

"Hina-chan, taking care of yourself is part of the job" Chisato says, reading some sort of paper.

"Okay" Hina says, dejected. Aya scrolls through her phone, when suddenly it rings. Startled, she recognizes the number and answers swiftly.

"Emergency! Emergency! A monster appeared in the shopping district! You must act swiftly, Pastel*Rangers!"

"Girls" Aya looks at everyone.

"Yeah" Everyone nods.

"Let's go!" Aya stands up.

"Yeah!" Everyone stands up as well and they all run out the building.

"Transform! (Henshin!)"

[Cue everyone's transformation sequences. The song that plays here is the song that plays when you pull Gacha in Bang Dream.]

These five teenage girls with attitude are the idol unit, Pastel*Palettes. But behind the scenes, they're a team of warriors, fighting for justice, the Magic Morphing Pastel*Rangers!

 But behind the scenes, they're a team of warriors, fighting for justice, the Magic Morphing Pastel*Rangers!

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The background explodes, yet there is no damage to anything behind them. The Pastel*Rangers make quick work of that Negative and go home for the day.

"That monster yesterday was easy!" Hina sits in the conference room of their studio with everyone else present. They had practice two days in a row.

"Hina-san's new finishing move had me jumping with excitement!" Maya says.

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