Chapter 72 - Wednesday

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Snow falls on the street of Tokyo. The cheerful atmosphere has increased to nearly unbearable levels. To those who are not sensitive to Light and Negative energies, the temperature seems satisfyingly normal, at least by Winter standards. But to those with special powers, the amount of Light energy in the air made them feel extra warm. Despite the snow, they felt nothing but warmth when they were around anyone other than themselves. Unfortunately for them, as idols, they have a duty to make public appearances. This particular day, they had been tasked with filming themselves spending the day at Michelleland, an amusement park formerly known as Hanasaki Smile Land that was previously on the verge of bankruptcy, but was then bought out by the Tsurumaki estate at one of Kokoro's many whims.

"Wow, this place sounds really fun!" Hina says, reading a flyer. Pastel*Palettes was on the train heading over to Michelleland. They had been tasked with obtaining footage of the train ride as well.

"Shouldn't we be recording?" Aya asks.

"I think we've recorded enough of the train ride already" Chisato answers. "We need to save space on our phones for footage of the park."

"Aren't we a little too old for something like this?" Maya asks.

"This is for our New Years show" Chisato reminds her. "The theme for this show is 'New Year, New Youth' so they need footage of us doing things children would normally do."

"So the idea is that no matter how old we get, we must always keep a youthful spirit?" Eve wonders.

"It's still a little embarrassing having to play carnival games at our age" Aya says.

"That's not very youthful of you, Aya" Hina teases.

"In any case" Chisato interrupts. "It looks like we're almost there."

"It's going to be warm as we get closer to other people" Maya reminds everyone.

"All we can do is endure it and get the footage we need" Chisato says.

"We used to have to focus to sense Light, so why do we feel it so strongly now?" Aya asks.

"Lynn said it's probably because those people are radiating it so strongly, similar to when Hello! Happy World plays their music" Maya answers.

"I hope we'll be ok" Aya says, worried.

"I am sure everything will turn out ok!" Eve reassures everyone.

"Let's hope we don't have to use our powers today" Chisato says.

The train stops and Pastel*Palettes exits the train. They make their way towards the entrance to Michelleland and meet with their manager.

"Mana-san!" Eve says, excitedly. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, girls" Mana-san says. "I'm here to give you your tickets."

"Will you be joining us?" Maya asks.

"Nope, you'll be on your own" Mana-san answers. "I'll be working with the park director to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible for you. There will be other staff around the park. You may ask them for assistance if you need it."

Everyone thanks her as she hands them each a ticket. They all wave as they make their way inside.

"She's acting normal" Chisato says once they've gained distance from their manager.

"Eve's friend was also acting normal" Hina says. "I had a feeling Mana-san was also normal."

"Takako-chan is ok? That is a relief!" Eve says, letting out a sigh of relief.

"I wonder if that's because of us" Maya says.

"What do you mean?" Aya asks.

"I mean, if what Ran and Sayo said is true, these people who are acting weird are possessed by Negatives" Maya explains. "But because we Purified Mana-san and Takako-chan, they should be immune to being possessed again."

"That makes sense" Hina says. "But enough work talk, let's go have fun!"

"Fufufu... This is work too" Chisato says. "But I agree."

Aya takes out her phone and sets up her camera in selfie mode. She signals for everyone to come together and huddle close to her. She presses record and begins to talk.

"Hello everyone! I'm the pink fooffy princess of Pastel*Palettes, and today, we're going to be spending the day at Michelin!"

Hina bursts out laughing. "It's fluffy pink princess, not pink fooffy princess, and you forgot to say your name! And Michelin? It's Michelland!"

"Hrrrrng..." Aya's cheeks turn pink.

"Let's do another take" Chisato suggests. Everyone chuckles and agrees to a take two.

"I'm Chisato Shirasagi." "I'm Maya Yamato." "I'm Eve Wakamiya!" "I'm Hina Hikawa!" "And I'm the Fluffy Pink Princess of Pastel*Palettes, Aya Maruyama, and today, we're going to be spending the day at Michelleand!"

"Ooh, much better the second time!" Hina says, grinning.

"At this rate, we'll be done gathering footage in no time" Maya says.

"Let's get footage from the rides!" Hina says. "I wanna get on the spinning teacups!"

"Erm... I think I'll pass" Chisato says.

"Me too..." Aya adds.

"It will not be the same if we are not all together!" Eve says.

"Yeah, it'll be more fun with all of us!" Hina agrees.

"Will the footage be ok?" Maya asks. "We might make our viewers dizzy with spinning footage."

"Perhaps we can ask one of the staff to take a recording while we are all on the ride" Eve suggests.

"I will go ask!" Eve sprints off towards a staff member before anyone can stop her.

"There she goes..." Chisato says as Eve runs off.

"I'll go with her!" Hina runs off after Eve.

"Wait, what is that sound?" Hina and Eve stop and listen closely. They hear the faint sound of a child crying. Hina closes her eyes to focus. A few seconds later, she sprints off in a different direction. Eve runs behind her. They eventually find a young girl crying near an ice cream stand. Eve rushes over to her.

"What's wrong?" Eve asks the young girl, kneeling down.

"I... I can't find my mommy! Wah!" The young cries.

"I shall help you find her!" Eve says confidently.

"R-really?" The girl wipes a tear off her face.

"What about asking the staff for help?" Hina asks Eve.

"I cannot ignore someone in need!" Eve answers. Hina chuckles.

"Ok, let's help her find her mommy!" Hina says. The girl grabs on to Eve's arm as they begin to search for her mother.

"Let's try this way" Hina says. Eve and the girl follow her lead.

"Mommy!" The girl rushes over to a woman.

"There you are!" The woman smiles.

"Mommy, I was so scared!"

"I'm sure you were, sweetheart." The woman turns towards Eve and Hina. "Thank you for finding my daughter" the woman smiles.


"Yes, dear?"

"Were you... Smiling this whole time?"

"I..." The woman smiles. "I can't stop..." The woman begins to radiate a dark miasma. She stops smiling and hugs her daughter. A Negative begins to emerge from her.

"Let's take it out!" Hina says, summoning her spear. Before Eve can summer her sword, the Negative disintegrates into Light. Hina unsummons her spear.

"Where did it go?" Eve asks, looking around.

"That lady isn't emitting Light like everyone else anymore" Hina says, closing her eyes and focusing. "And everyone else emits so much Light, I can't sense anything or anyone out of place!"

"Let us get back to everyone and tell them what happened" Eve says. Hina nods as they return to Aya and the everyone else.

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