Quick Introduction

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Hi! My name is Kenny, commonly known on this app as UselessFrisk!

Other cool facts about me:
I'm a Demiboy :3
Am a bit silly...
I got the 'tism (😱)

If you remember me, nice to see you again! If you're new, then welcome!

This story is called "I'm sorry", as is based around the Gwen gets a job episode!(╥ _ ╥) This isn't meant to be the angstiest story, it more about forgiveness and ECT.

I wrote this story around 2019-2020 but lost motivation because of middle school and stuff. But camp camp is coming back! And I'm going into the 10th grade now :3 so I'll rewritten all 15 chapters in this book to have 700+ words! (^∇^)ノ♪

My portrayal of the characters might not be very accurate, bear with me here, but I will try my best! Also I'm not the best writer, apologies for bad grammer or ass writing .·'¯'(>▂<)'¯'·

There are no ships since I am not comfortable with most.
Gwenvid is still possible just very unlikely for this story

If you want to ask questions, just leave a comment or a message on my wall thing, I'll awnser to the best of my ability!! (ʃƪ^O^)

Enjoy the story, campers!
Campe diem!! >_<


The chapters have very specific names that sort of tell you what might happen in plus the video before the story sets the tone! (I am very specific with what I choose)

Headcannons to keep in mind while reading the story:

Max got the tism (I'm projecting) and has a bit of sensory issues

Max knows how to yo-yo (canon btw but often over looked.)

Max watches a lot of movies

David is a good counselor (via that he is a bit more observant than usual and is the voice of reason.)

David is pretty much the same but more responsible (?)

Gwen is Team Edward

Everything else is pretty much the same for her. (?)

Nikki is a wolf kid (obvi) and definitely has lice or something.

Nikki is silly silly

Neil is still a nerd

Neil got the tism

That's it probably

I'm sorry (Rewritten!!)Where stories live. Discover now