Chapter. 4: While it Lasted

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(rewritten! 7/10/23! Might be my longest chapter yet! Yippie!)

The next morning, David woke up at his scheduled 6 am. His back ached a bit, it's not comfortable falling asleep sitting up. He let out a yawn before waking up Max and Gwen. It be best to wake them up sooner than later.

"Good morning, Gwen! And Max!", He spoke in his sickeningly sunny voice. Max jumped slightly at the sound of him talking so loudly, before falling of the couch. "Fuck you, David.", Max groaned, before attempting to fall asleep again.

"...ehhgg...shut up, David...", Gwen said as she rubbed her eyes sleepily, if she's going to wake up, she didn't want her ears ringing first thing in the morning.

They eventually did fully wake up, before heading to do what they do every morning. Max left his bear on the sofa before he made his way into the mess hall. He decided it would be safer there. He went to go hide out in the kitchen again, he didn't mind helping the Quartermaster cook again. Plus, it was easier to eat if he knew what was being put in the food.


David and Gwen went to wake up the campers. "Goooood morning, campers! Rise and shine!", David shouted enthusiastically. Naturally, he had to wake up some of the deep sleepers up himself but that was fine.

"Whisk them eggs child.", The Quartermaster told Max, not really caring at this point. If it got the job done easier, a few extra helping hands wouldn't be the end of the world. Max nodded quietly, cracking and whisking the eggs, listening to the Quartermaster ramble on about the war. He was strange ass man but Max didn't really mind.


"Have you seen Max?", Neil asked David, neither him or Nikki saw him after Gwen and David drove off. He seemed to have just vanished. He didn't even come back to the tent last night. It was making the duo a bit concerned.
"Yeah! Where is Max?", Nikki also asked.

'That's weird..', David thought. He saw Max earlier, where could he have gone? " about you two go eat breakfast! I'm sure he'll show up eventually!", David answered, hoping to ease their worry.


Breakfast was finally ready, the food tasted a bit better than usual, less eggshells in eggs. Today, Max ate all his breakfast. It was a bit lonely, eating in the kitchen, but it was better than being with his traitor 'friends'.

What Max didn't realize what that his friends were genuinely wondering where he could have gone. The two wanted to apologize, it felt too quiet without him. No scheming, no adventure, and no Max, it didn't feel right. For now, the trio was short a kid.


The mess hall was empty once again. Gwen was helping the kids with art camp. Today was Dolph's day. David looked around for Max. Maybe he was in the kitchen again. "Max, where are ya? You got your friends looking for you everywhere!", He said, as he searched the kitchen, finding Max next to the sink.

"There you are! Let's take you outside, Neil and Nikki are worried sick about you!", David said, trying to get Max to come with him. It was weird, there wasn't a reason for him to hide.

"No, fuck them. I don't want to see those assholes.", Max spat, crossing his arms.

David was a little taken aback by this. He understood that sometimes, Max liked to be left alone, but not wanting to see his friends at all? Something was up... something happened. "..I..uh..what happ-"

"Save it, Tree hugger. I just don't want to talk to them.", Max interrupted before pushing past David and finding somewhere else to go.

Now David was sure of it, Max didn't do anything just because...He made his way outside.

"Did you find him, did you find him!?", Nikki questioned David eagerly, Neil wanting an answer as well.
"Hah...uh..He said he didn't want to talk to you guys, did something happen?", David asked, if anyone knew what was wrong with Max, it be these two.

"Nothing significant that I can recall...oh.", Neil paused, how did he not realize sooner?
"Ohhh, yesterday?", Nikki asked, looking at Neil, starting to understand. She looked at the floor, awkwardly and in a bit of regret.

"What happened yesterday?", David, now more concerned, asked the both of them.

David going to get to the bottom of this.


Max broke into the counselors cabin, he didn't have to tell David shit...Who did he think he was anyway..
He sat on Gwen's chair, he tightly held Mr.HoneyNuts in his hands, as he let out a frustrated sigh. He squeezed it firmly.
This camp was going to be the death of him.

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