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Genya spun around, wiping tears from his eyes.
Shit. he didn't mean for anyone to find him here.

Muichiro was standing holding the plants away from his face, staring at Genya.
He was sitting on the grass.

He walked over to his boyfriend and placed a hand on his shoulder

"Who" He said sternly

"Nobody, nobody did anything, I'm not crying I was just running and I was-"

"Who" Muichiro repeated, even sterner.
Despite how hard he tried to cover it up, Muichiro could tell that he had been out here crying.

Genya looked away, not being able to look him in the eye.
"Don't worry about it, Ok?"

Muichiro opened his mouth to protest, but was interrupted by Genya's Kasugi crow flying in.

He stood by idly as Genya was informed about a new mission.

Genya stood up to follow his crow but Muichiro grabbed his arm.


"IT'S NOTHING!" Genya snapped, hitting Muichiro's arm away. "JUST MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!"

Muichiro stepped back.
"Fine, suffer on your own then" He shot, turning away "But don't come crying to me when you've got no-one else"

.........Later at night...........

This was dumb.
Genya felt like he had been searching the area for ages and there was still no sign of the stupid demon.

He had been sent to a rocky forest to look for a demon spotted by a local.
He was starting to think that maybe the local was drunk or something and hallucinated the demon.

He spun around when he heard a stick breaking behind him.
he held onto the grip of the gun, ready to draw it as soon as he saw the demon.

There it was. It had silvery hair, long elfish ears and emerald green eyes.

He fired at the demon, to no avail.
It leapt at him, claws as sharp as blades digging into the skin on his arm.

Genya cried out and stumbled back, letting himself get hit over the head again by the demon.

Blindly he let off another shot, making contact with the demon's leg.
The demon fell down, beginning the regeneration on its hit leg.
Genya took this opportunity and pushed forward towards it, aiming for its head.

The demon jumped out of the way, but Genya took a bite out of its leg.
Now he could regenerate too.
He ordered his crow to go and get some other slayers.

He whirled around to attack again but was caught off-guard when he found himself face to face with...himself?
It was like he was looking in a mirror.

The other Genya took advantage of the confusion and sprung towards him again, slicing his face.

He swore and staggered back, regenerating his torn face.

He pulled out his sword and blocked another attack from Not Genya, sending it flying back.

Was this some kind of blood demon art? This looked exactly like him, down to his gun and everything.

His train of thought was interrupted by familiar voices.
Muichiro,Tanjiro and Giyuu burst into the fight, staring in disbelief at the sight of 2 Genyas'.

Both Genyas' stopped fighting and stood looking at the three slayers.
The Not Genya spoke before Genya could. "Guys! Thank god! you gotta help me this things got some weird ass blood demon art!"

Genya stared at the demon. What?

He turned to look at the others.
"Guys it's me! It has some weird kind of blood demon art and-"

He moved out of the way quickly as a sword came swinging towards him.
"Shut it Demon." Muichiro growled. "The eyes and fangs give you away

Genya's eyes widened. "Mui..?"

He took a step back to dodge another attack.

"Mui please, I'm sorry I yelled at you It's me..."

The younger kept silent, keeping up his array of attacks as Tanjiro and Giyuu rushed to help the Demon.

Genya stared in horror.

Knowing his limits, He turned and fled into the forest, not bearing to look back over his shoulder.

......The Next night at the butterfly mansion.........

Muichiro still hadn't spoken to Genya since their fight before he left for his mission.
For the whole day Genya had stayed in bed resting. He hadn't left, even to eat.

Finally Muichiro worked up the courage to try and work things out with him.
It was hard to believe that it was just two days ago that Genya had been in his room with him, holding him closely.

He walked up the door slowly and knocked slowly.
He was never this nervous to talk to someone he knew, but his mind kept replaying Genya snapping at him.

"Come In"
A voice called out from the room.

Muichiro slid open the door quietly.
Genya was sitting at the window, staring at the night sky.

He didn't even turn to face the boy entering his room.

"Genya I- I wanted to talk about before your mission" Muichiro whispered. "When you yelled and everything.. Are you ok?"

Genya sighed "Yeah I'm ok. Sorry I yelled at you. It was very immature of me. Anything else?"

Muichiro was shocked at this new attitude. It wasn't like the Genya he had known at all.

"Well.. no that's all..." He managed to get out.

"I'll see you later then I guess" Genya commented, not taking his eyes away from the window.

Muichiro nodded and closed the door behind him as he left.

Something felt off. Something was wrong. he just couldn't figure out what.

A Knock on the Door |Genmui|Where stories live. Discover now