Is this the end of us?

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Author Note: Last Chapter guys!! Warning: Manga spoilers.
If you want to, leave me some suggestions for other fics I can write!

Genya was stupid.

Really, Really stupid.

He messed up everything.
His brother hated him even more and now he had lost probably the only person who gave a shit about him.
And it was all his fault.

He messed everything up.
He always did.

Hashira Training after the mist estate felt like hell.

He had sent so many letters to Muichiro trying to apologize, but he had never gotten a response.
After a while he just stopped writing.
It was a waste of paper.

Ubyashiki Kagaya was dead.

Muichiro saw the explosion.
No person could survive that.

No human at least.

It almost made him want to cry.
Ubyashiki was like a parent to him all most.
It hurt to realize he was gone now.

He didn't even have time to think about what happened next.
Before he knew it, he was in the infinity castle, running alongside Gyomei.

This endless feud with the demons would end tonight.

They could only pray that they would be the ones winning.

For all the people he had ever loved, he had to win.
Mother, Father and Yuichiro flashed through his brain.

In the corner of his mind the faint image of Genya flashed past as well.

No one would have to lose their loved ones as he had.
Only if he could win.

The Hashira had to win, for everyone's sake.

A kasugi crow passed them, informing them that the other demon slayers had arrived at the infinity castle, ready to join the battle against muzan.


No no no no no.

They would all die!

He sent a silent prayer.
God never seemed to listen to his prayers.

They all went unnoticed in the eyes of whatever god existed.
but he still prayed, prayed that Genya wasn't here, that he was somewhere far away from here.

Prayed that Genya would live.
It wouldn't matter to Muichiro if he lived, but he wouldn't be able to bear if Genya died.

If he lost another person he loved.


Genya didn't even understand what had happened.

The floor beneath him seemingly disappeared, dropping him into nothingness.

Before he could even process what was happening, he was on a battlefield, fighting for his life against hundreds of demons.

No one had to tell all those slayers what was going on, they all knew.
In the back of their minds they knew this was it.
There was no going back now.

They knew that most of them were gonna die.
They knew from the start.

The choice was theirs.

To accept this cruel fate? or to fight. fight like they always had.

Genya had known fighting his entire life. All he had known was violence.

He chose to fight.


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