Its Just a demon

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(Author note: to clarify the person Muichiro talked to at the butter fly mansion is NOT Genya. The "Demon" he interacts with in this chapter is Genya.) 

Muichiro made his way to his room, sinking down into his bed.

He layed, eyes completely open.
Something seemed completely off with Genya.

He picked up his sword again, he'd just go kill that stupid demon and clear his mind.

After all it was just a demon.

The hardest part about killing the demon was finding it again.
As Muichiro stepped through the mud, he wondered if the demon was even there anymore. After all it had been a whole day since Genya's mission so chances of it still being in the same area were slim.

He walked around for a while before flopping down onto the floor.
There was no hope. The Demon was definitely gone by now.

Until he saw it. The same demon, still in the form of Genya, curled up behind some trees....crying?

The demon was crying.
It was actually Crying

The reason a demon would have to be crying was unknown to him, but to be honest, he didn't really care.

It was just a demon.

He had never felt his way on a mission before. Was it possible he felt sorry for the demon? The creature that took the form of his lover and tried to kill him? The creature that had devoured countless humans?
Did he feel sorry for it? Why?
Because it looked like Genya? Was that what was making it so hard for him to attack?

He pushed those feelings down.

Demon's didn't deserve his pity. Even if they looked like his boyfriend. Even if they cried. They didn't deserve mercy.

He jumped forward. All of this would stop if he just killed the stupid demon.
If he killed it everything would go back to normal and he would feel normal again.

He swung,
The demon looked at him in horror, before ducking away at the last second.

Muichiro swore under his breath.
Couldn't the thing just die already?!

He noticed as the demon ducked past that its demonic eyes and fangs had faded, leaving it looking like an exact copy of Genya.
He knew better though. this thing wasn't his boyfriend.
It wasn't.

It was just a demon.

It could dodge all it wanted, but eventually Muichiro would land a hit.


It felt like an eternity that they had been locked in this combat.

Muichiro would swing, and the demon would dodge.
It didn't plead for his life like before. Didn't try to convince Muichiro it was somehow the real Genya. Just looked with that horror in its eyes.

Then Muichiro saw an opening. the potential for the perfect strike. A strike that no demon would be able to dodge.

He swung and as he did he reminded himself,

It was just a demon

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