Part 1

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Bubble and Ruby get wings and a halo.

Bubble and Ruby: *high-five each other* Yeah!

Lollipop gets spiked wings, horns and a tail.

Lollipop: Don't I look cool, Gelo?

Gelatin gets wings and a halo.

Gelatin: No. You look demonic

Lollipop: Figures.

Gelatin: Sad to see our Newbie Alliance and like this.

Lollipop: Whatever.

Leafy gets wings and a halo.

Leafy: Nice.

Ruby: Cool wings, Leafy!

Leafy: Thanks! Nice to see you and Bubble are angels too!

Teardrop gets wings and a halo

Leafy: I knew you'd be an angel, TD!

Bubble: I wonder who else is going to be on the angel team.

Gelatin: Hey halo squad!

Leafy, Ruby and Bubble: GELATIN!!

Gelatin: Good to see you here, Teardrop!

Flower gets spiked wings, horns and a tail.

Flower: Well, well, well. Look at that.

Balloony: Look Lolli, another one of us!

Blocky gets spiked wings, horns and a tail.

Blocky: Hey, Woody-

Woody: *is an angel*

Blocky: -oh.

Firey and Loser get spiked wings, horns and a tail.

Loser: Oh. I suppose I am a liar.

Firey: (sighs) I should have known.

Taco gets wings and a halo.

Taco: Oh cool! Wings!

Leafy: That's awesome, Taco! You deserve it!

Taco: Really? Thanks!

Spongy gets wings and a halo.

Spongy: Cool.

Bubble: I think that's all the angels.

Leafy: That's all of us?

Gelatin: Is there someone you wanted to be an angel?

Leafy: Yeah...

Gelatin: I wanted Lollipop to be here, but at least I have Teardrop.

Leafy: (sad)

A crown appears on Bubble's head.

Bubble: !?

Ruby: What is that?

Bubble: It's a crown!

Woody: Wah?

A piece of paper lands on Taco and she reads it

Taco: "For the leader of the the angel team...Four chooses Bubble!"

Bubble: Leader?!

Balloony: I wonder if the angels have one too.

Flower: *slaps Balloony* Of course they do, dummy!


Loser: Calm down! We don't need a fight right now!

Flower: Can see why I'm a devil.

Flower: *sees Firey sitting by himself doing nothing* What's up with you? Why aren't you causing problems?

Firey: Mmh.

Lollipop: Total power! This'll be fun!

Lollipop: Total power! This'll be fun!

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Leafy: (sighs)

Ruby: What's the problem Leafy?

Leafy: Firey's a devil.

Ruby: Oh...that must be hard.

Leafy: This is the third time I've been separated from him.

Ruby: Aw.

Leafy: (sad)

Ruby: She said it was because she and Firey are separated again.

Gelatin: Poor Leafy. Being sad as an angel.

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