Part 5

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Ruby: Here they come!

Firey: *lands* Hey, everyone.

Bubble: Long time no see, Firey!

Taco: Hello again, Firey.

Gelatin: How'd it go, Leafy?

Leafy: It wasn't as majestic as I thought it would be, but I'm not complaining!

Firey: Also, we have bad news.

Gelatin: You always do.

Leafy: One of you is going to have to take Firey's place.

*Everyone looks at Spongy*

Spongy: What?

Woody: No offense, but it makes the most sense.

Gelatin: Yeah, you did leave me and the rest of our team to die.

Bubble: Plus, it won't do much to us if you leave.

Spongy: No one ever cares about me!

Leafy: Spongy, I care about you...just please.

Taco: Yeah, Spongy.

Spongy: Fine! *flys away*

Leafy: Aw, poor guy.

Firey: At least he won't do much to us as a devil.

Ruby: Not like he can.

Leafy: Ruby!

Firey: On the other hand, I'm very happy to be on the good side.

Gelatin: (under his breath) Only because Leafy's here.

Ruby: Are you alright, Jelly?

Gelatin: *grumbles*

Spongy is getting turned into a devil.

Spongy: Am I done?

X: Go ahead, Spongy!

Spongy: Finally, I can't stand it in here! It's way too small!

Four: Don't worry, being a devil is way more fun!

Spongy: Whatever. *flys away*

X: Well, he's grumpy.

Four: Maybe because he was replaced.

Lollipop: If we don't find that flame soon-

Spongy: Firey isn't going to be around anymore.

Lollipop: WHAT?

Spongy: Firey's been changed to an angel.

Balloony: Oh no.

Spongy: I'm taking his place.


Loser: She's gonna blow!

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Loser: She's gonna blow!

Blocky: Take cover!


Balloony: *pops from the loudness*

Spongy: ...

Balloony, go get Firey!

Balloony: Yes ma'am!

Lollipop: Blocky, you go too.

Blocky: Got it.

Lollipop: Flower, Loser, you go help.

Flower: K.

Loser: Fine.

Lollipop: I better get him back!

Leafy: Gelatin?

Gelatin: Yeah, Leafy?

Leafy: As the leader, it's my job to ask, why aren't you playing games with us?

Gelatin: Because I don't want to.

Leafy: You always want to! What's wrong?

Gelatin: It's because Firey's here!

Leafy: What?

Gelatin: You'll be spending way more time with him... instead of me.

Leafy: Gelatin...

Gelatin: I know it's selfish, I just... I really enjoyed our time together.

Leafy: That's not selfish. I've felt the same. Wanting someones time is okay, letting it disturb what you do is a problem.
So, don't let your worrying interrupt your normal life.

Gelatin: Thanks.

Firey: Everything okay?

Gelatin: Not for long, I see devils!

Leafy: They must be after you, Firey!

Flower: *pops Bubble* Ha!
Now tell me where Firey is!

Ruby: Bubble!

Blocky: *flying towards Firey*.

Leafy: *stops Blocky and throws him to the ground*.

Balloony: We're only here for Firey.

Leafy: Then you'll be very disappointed!

Balloony: I doubt that.

Gelatin: I'm not letting you touch her!

Bubble: You can't kill me and get away with it!

Ruby: Yeah!

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