Part 21

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Balloony: In conclusion...that was pointless.

Lollipop: I know. It just feels better coming from you.

Balloony: *blushes* Ha, ha. So...what's our plan?

Lollipop: You know what's something we haven't tried all game?

Balloony: No, what?

Lollipop: The ✨️Element of Surprise✨️
A very successful and ~fun~ way of attack!

Balloony: Oooooohhh!

Lollipop: We'll pick a target and surprise them! They'll be so shocked it'll be super easy to take them down.

Balloony: You're so smart! ❤️

Lollipop: *blushes* Oh, it's nothing.
Anyways, who should our target be?

Loser: Well, I vote Woody. He won't make it long anyways.

Flower: Good point, Loser. I'm with you.

Balloony: Seems fair.

Lollipop: Alright. Woody it is.

Ruby: Hey, Bubble. Hey, Leafy.
Uh...hello, Firey?

Bubble: Ruby! Are you here to take over for Leafy?

Ruby: Sure am!

Leafy: Alright, cool. *grabs Firey hand* Let's go, Firey. *drags him out*

Firey: Wha- bu- I...

Leafy: *drags Firey outside*

Firey: :[

Leafy: You just wanted an excuse to come see me, didn't you?

Firey: What? No, I-

Leafy: 😏

Firey: I... I mean yeah, I...


(I am so sorry)

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(I am so sorry)

Lollipop: (hiding in the bushes) Good job, team. We're hidden, and they don't suspect a thing.

Balloony: *shoves Lollipop down* Gey down! People are going to see your crown!

Lollipop: Ouch! Seriously?

Balloony: You really should thank me-

Lollipop: *covers Balloony's mouth* SHUSH! He's coming.

Woody: *walking by*
I wonder why the devils haven't been-

Lollipop: *grabs Woody and breaks him in half* Welp, that was easy. *tosses Woodys body*

Flower: Shouldn't we...not litter? The angels could find-

Lollipop: And?

Flower: ...

Taco: Hmm...Woody, do you think we're truly prepared for when the devils attack?
Hey, Gelatin!

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