Part 29

262 6 35

(I'm trying to get to 30 parts so this might be short)

Gelatin: I thought you didn't want the prize!

Firey: I didn't know what it was!
Plus, we didn't agree to anything.

Gelatin: So, you think we should battle?

Firey: I would gladly do so.

Four: Please battle.

Firey: Don't need your input, thank you.

Four: Jerk.

Firey: Whatever, I- *his metal effect wares off* WHAT THE SPARK?!

Four: Oh yeah, you being metal is an unfair advantage.

Firey: You can't just take it away!! I DEMAND you give it back!

X: We'll turn you back when you're done, okay?

Firey: Promise?

X: We also need your crown.

Firey: *growls* *throws his crown at X*

X: *catches it*

Gelatin: *takes a stance*

Firey: 😒

Four: 🤩

X: 😐🍿

Four: Begin!

Gelatin: *lunges at Firey*

Firey: *takes to the skies*

Gelatin: *follows him*

X: Now that I think about it, Firey has an advantage both ways.

Four: (eating X's popcorn) How so?



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Four: He's also a strong-willed guy

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Four: He's also a strong-willed guy.



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Gelatin: No fair! He shouldn't be allowed to punch me!

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Gelatin: No fair! He shouldn't be allowed to punch me!

Four: I's kinda your fault.

Gelatin: Do you even care?

Firey: Does any game show host ever care?

Gelatin: X! Should Firey be allowed to burn me?

X: No...

Firey: I can very well beat you without burning you. Also, you touching me and getting burnt shouldn't count.

X: It shouldn't.

Gelatin: Awesome!

Firey: So determined to win. Your relationship with Leafy isn't going to change.

Gelatin: Seriously dude?

Four: This is so entertaining!

X: If only our author wanted to write fighting.

Gelatin: (thinking) I need water. That's his weakness.

Firey: (thinking) I forgot how hot is was being a flame)

Gelatin: *flys away*

Firey: Hey! Where are you going?

Gelatin: *lands in the shallow part of a body of water*

Firey: !!!

Gelatin: >:3

Firey: >:/

Gelatin: C'mon in man! The waters fine! Unless you're scared!

Firey: Scared of you? No.
Of the water? Yeah.

Gelatin: C'mooon. I won't splash you.

Firey: You must think me a fool.
(Bro you are tho)

Gelatin: Dude, you gotta do something eventually.

Firey: *lands on the beach* No, I don't. I'm not going to walk into my own death. I'll wait until you do something.

Gelatin: Fine.

Firey: Fine.

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