Part 28

322 4 24

Balloony: Ugh.. wh-what was that? I...retreated. Wh-why?
What's happening to me?

Flower: (lying down) This is wonderful!

Firey: You said it!

Gelatin: (sitting) This can't last forever.

Flower: *sits up* Gello, we talked about this.

Firey: Yeah, don't be such a downer.

Gelatin: So I'm not being all positive all the time, so what? There's only one devil left. We're so close!

Firey: Yeah. We might have to battle each other.

Flower: *lies back down* Can ya'll just shut up now?

Gelatin: Okay, but how should we approach Balloony?

Firey: Leafy only says that she can't wait to see me.

Flower: You can hear her?

Firey: Uh...yeah.
She also says she likes that I avenged her. Oh-wait no, that's Taco.

Balloony: (Talking to Lollipop in the crown) can make me do stuff?
No, no...I trust you! I'm just glad I'm not losing my mind.
I know, I'm sorry.
Yes, I know.
Alright, I'm going. *flys off*

Firey: I think it's best we let Balloony come to us. I don't wanna feel responsible for any more stuff.

Flower: You're not responsible for anything.

Firey: ~Oh yay, all my problems are solved!~

Flower: I'm just trying to help.

Gelatin: Oh, guys Balloon Boy is here.

Flower: ~Great!~

Firey: *stretches* Okay, I'm ready.

Balloony: Can I have Flower?

Flower: No.

Balloony: Your loss.

Gelatin: It'll probably be your loss.

Firey: Your move, Balloony.

Balloony: My move? Awesome. *dives down*

Flower: !!!

Balloony: *grabs Flower*

Flower: ACK!

Balloony: Bad choice.

Gelatin: *grabs Flower*

Balloony: Hey! Let go!

Gelatin: You let go!

Firey: *snatches Flower from them*

Balloony: Hey! *gets tackled* AGH!



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