Part 14

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Gelatin: (thinking) Now, I don't have to leave to get revenge. I can just turn him in. And Leafy will have no choice but to be with me >:)

Bubble: Gelatin, are you still having devilish thoughts?

Gelatin: *pops Bubble*
But Firey's metal. Metal is heavy. How am I gonna lift him?
Ah, perfect.

Firey: Yeah, no problem Woody, I'll take over for you.

Gelatin: Hey Firey, can you help me real quick?

Firey: Sure Gello, what is i-

Gelatin: *crushes Firey*

Firey: *dies*

Gelatin: *grabs Firey's crown* Ah. Proof.
Now to stand next to the recovery center.

Bubble: *gets recovered*
*walks off unfazed*

Firey: *gets recovered* Ugh, what happened?

Gelatin: *grabs Firey and flys off with him*

Leafy: (thinking) I think it's about time I saw Firey.
*starts looking for him*
He's not over here...
Or here.
I'll fly up and look for him.
*flys into the air*
Hmm...I don't see him.
Actually, I don't see Gelatin either...
Oh no.
*flys down*
(Talking) Guys! Guys, I have bad news!

Ruby: What's wrong, Leafy?

Leafy: I think Gelatin took Firey to the devils.

Bubble: He did pop me a few minutes ago. I didn't think much of it though.

Leafy: We have to catch up to him! Now! Please follow me if you want to.

*Everyone except Bubble follows*

Firey: Mmh!

Gelatin: Shut up. We're close.

Leafy: Gelatin, stop!


Leafy: Let him go, Gelatin. Don't make us use force.

Gelatin: No way! Not until I get what I want!

Leafy: ...
Go get him guys.

Woody: *shoves Gelatin to the ground*

Taco: *grabs Firey from Gelatin* Got him!

Woody: *squishes Gelatin*

Gelatin: *dies*

Leafy: Firey!

Firey: Leafy! Oh, wait.
No, Leafy do-

Leafy: *hugs Firey*
*bursts into flames* Aah! *dies*

Firey: *grabs Leafy's crown*
Still have those yoyleberries, Ruby?

Ruby: Yup!

Woody: Oh! Wah! *hands Firey Lollipop's crown*

Firey: Thanks. *eats yoyleberry and puts crown on*

Taco: Let's get back before they're recovered.

Firey: Then I can actually hug Leafy.

Leafy: *gets recovered*

Gelatin: A down side to dating a flame.

Leafy: Shut up, Gelatin.

Gelatin: I'm just sayin'. You wouldn't have have that problem if you were with me.

I don't know why, or how you think I would even consider being with you after all that! It's not like I already have enough to deal with!
My own teammate is kidnapping people! How is that going to make me want you?

Gelatin: ...

Leafy: Someone who really cared would be happy for me. *starts tearing up*
Especially since I'm happy... and... they would be happy that I'm still friends with them... and that I...still cared...



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I... I... I'm sorry.

Firey: Leafy!

Leafy: ...Firey?

Firey: What happened? Are you okay?
*turns to Gelatin*
Get out of my sight! I don't want to see you!

Gelatin: But...

Firey: Now!

Gelatin: !!!
*flys away*

Firey: What happened? What did he do?

Leafy: Nothing, Firey. I'm just upset. You didn't have to send him away.

Firey: Sorry.

Leafy: It's okay. You didn't know.

Bubble: I'll go check on him.

Gelatin: I shouldn't have gone when I had the chance! I'm a devil! A cold-hearted, stupid devil!

Bubble: Gelatin!

Gelatin: Don't bother! Tell Leafy I've gone where I belong!

Bubble: Gelatin!
*flys back to Leafy*
He's fine.

Leafy: That's good. Where is he?

Bubble: Not important.

Leafy: Huh? Why?

Bubble: Trust me.

Leafy: Okay...

Firey: You feeling alright?

Leafy: Yeah.

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